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Lida history and art museum

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Type: Historical Location: Lida, Grodno region

Lida history and art museum was opened in April 24, 1959. The museum has been isolated in a former public-relations of the church down the street Sovetskaya. The first to become museum exhibits items transferred from the editor of the newspaper "Forward" Y. Dragun: 5 rooms military newspaper "Forward", leaflets, 1944. Numismatic collection laid the foundation S.Shut, who gave the museum his Order of the Great Patriotic War of 1 degree. Grodno historical and archaeological museum gave a collection of weapons, stuffed animals. Date funds Leningradsaga artillery pieces from the museum: guns, bombs, machine gun, "Lewis", "Maxim". By 1964, the museum was located in the central part of the building, and then transferred to a two-storey annexe. In November 1964 in the central part of the Planetarium was opened. The first permanent exhibition of the museum - Department of the Soviet period, in 1970, opened the exposition separated nature. The museum contains materials about Lida underground gramaddyanskay investigate the question of the war, the history of the province's enterprises. In the 1990s, the museum was moved to the former home of family celebration. Lida museum and art gallery "Lida" were combined into one cultural institutions - Lida History and Art Museum. Events are held outside the museum, "Museum Day at School", street art exhibitions, shows one day and the subject. Developed and successfully running the project in Lida Castle "Gediminas Castle." In October 8th 2008 museum was opened to the public after renovation. Built permanent exhibition "Nature of Lida region." Visitors are invited to changing exhibitions, which will introduce a history of the region, the forest people, the local art scene.

Photo - Lida history and art museum

    Schedule Lida history and art museum

    • Administration 08:30 - 17:30 weekend Saturday, Sunday
    • Cash 10:00 - 18:30 weekend Monday
    • Exposure 10:00 - 19:00 weekend Monday

    Location map - Lida history and art museum

    Address 231300, Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Lida, Victory st., 37a GPS Google: 53.89156′ N, 53.89156′ E