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Smorgon historical- ethnographic museum

To book a tour
Type: Local History The exhibition: 4 Location: Smorgon, Grodno region

Smorgon historical- ethnographic museum was established by Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR in June 1984 Originally, the museum was located in the Calvinist (Now the Church of St. Michael the Archangel). At the time of the general fund of the museum was 254 exhibits. In May 1986, the Ministry of Culture proposed to change the profile of the museum and to create the country's only museum-theater "Batleika", but in October it was decided to create a museum in Smorgon Belarusian People's Theatre. Until May 1987 the works were stopped, since the Ministry of Culture has returned again to the solution of the museum-theater "Batleika"  In connection with the transfer in 1989 Calvinist Catholic community, the museum is temporarily on loan was transferred to the second floor of the shop on Kutuzov street , 23 and began working with the visitors as an exhibition hall. December 15, 1998 Smorgon District Executive Committee shall decide on the transfer of shop building on the balance of the Department of Culture for its adaptation for a museum. With This was the beginning of work on the creation of exposure. In 2004 scientific and methodological Council Grodno State historical and archeological museum was approved by Subject and and exhibition plan. The most active work on the creation of the exhibition began in 2008. On 3 July 2013 was the grand opening of the permanent exhibition of the museum and the museum building renovated. Display area halls of museum is 211 m2. (exhibition hall), 193 m2 (exposure). The total number of museum objects is 14,805, of which the main fund 9,864, scientific auxiliary object 4,941.

Exposure - Smorgon historical- ethnographic museum

  1. ”Krevo in ХIV-ХVIIth centuries” are archaeological findings, layout of the Princely castle tower, the figures of soldiers.
  2. ”Smorgon nundinal” are products of leather, clay, Smorgon famous bagels, stuffed bear and dummy buffoon that reflect the history of the famous "bear Academy", nundinal", the market ranks rovar-breadwinner, winter sled theater "Batlejka" tavern.
  3. ”Light and darkness: XX century” Hall reflected in the events of the early twentieth century, World War I, World War II (represented diorama "Dead City"), as well as modern history Smorgonschina.
  4. ”We”re all in love with her ​​the land” exhibition dedicated to famous fellow-natives of Smorgonschina.

Schedule Smorgon historical- ethnographic museum

  • Administration 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Saturday, Sunday
  • Cash 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday
  • Exposure 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday

Location map - Smorgon historical- ethnographic museum

Address 23100, Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Smorgon, Kutuzov str., 23. GPS Google: 54.477896′ N, 54.477896′ E