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Klimovichi Local History Museum

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Type: Local History Location: Klimovichi, Mogilev region

Klimovichi Local History Museum was established in 1878. From 1887 to 1917 this building was an apartment building princes Meshcherskys. Since 1918 there are local revolutionary committee the county committee of the Communist Party, the county committee of the Komsomol. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Museum in its present headquarters worked against saboteurs, and during the German occupation, there was a club-casino. In 1945, there is a second city school, then - the warehouse "Zagotzerno" with a living room for a caretaker. Since 1955 the premises were again occupied by school number 2. From 1966 to 1972 was a boarding school for underdeveloped children, and then three years - counting department mashinoschetnoy station. History Klimovichi district museum begins July 11, 1978, when the Bureau of the Central Committee of the PBC decided to establish in the local history museum. For six years, worked on the creation of the exhibition staff K.L. Vankovich, V.A. Bialiatski, V.V. Riabtsev, L.N. Andryushkova, artists Z.M. Sadokha and V.L. Sadokha. July 24, 1984 the museum officially opened its doors to the first visitors. The museum consists of six rooms, which are to this day: "Nature", "History of the area", "Ethnography" and the "Great Patriotic War", "Industrial Area", "Famous Neighbors" and one exhibition hall, where a year passes about 20 exhibitions. To date, the funds Klimovichi museum stored for more than 15 thousand units of storage, reflecting the most important historical events of life of workers of the area. Today, the museum staff are engaged in research, stock, educational, exposition, exhibition and educational activities. The museum is located in the same building of the demonstration area of ​​222 square meters of halls. m exhibits housed in one of six permanent and traveling exhibitions. The total number of museum objects is 15,289, of which the main - 6767, research and support - 8522.

The museum has the following achievements and awards: Memorial sign "Veteran of the 87th Perekopskaya Division" (1979), Diploma of the department of culture of the district executive committee for their achievements in socialist competition (1986), Diploma of the executive committee for the best results in the All-Union competition mark the 70th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1987), Diploma of III degree for better organization of educational activities on the basis of regional review of the state museums dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Victory (1995), Diploma of the district council of veterans of war and labor preparation of the exhibition of achievements of physical culture and sports in the area Klimovichi (1995) Pennant SCWV for productive job search (1997), Diploma of the department of culture of the district executive committee for the creative work on the organization of cultural recreation and successful completion rates in 1997 (1998) Honour DBP "Understanding and Reconciliation" (2005) The outcome of the military-patriotic education of the younger generation in the period from 2005 to 2008. recognized as the best and won 2 seats in the national competition, As at the end of 2008 - 2nd place in the field of regional museums; Diploma of I degree for the victory in the regional competition for the best museum, the patriotic education of youth, devoted to the 65th anniversary of the liberation Belarus from Nazi invaders (2009), Diploma of II degree for the victory in the Republican contest for the military-patriotic education, diploma of I degree for the victory in the regional competition for the best organization working to preserve and promote cultural Mogilev for 2011 took second place in the regional competition for the best organization of the preservation and development of culture for 2011 Mogilev research work carried out in the museum, aimed at a permanent organization members visiting expeditions to collect folklore and ethnographic material. Much has been made recordings of folklore (songs, ditties proverbs and sayings). Recorded rites operating in the region (Rich Man, Christmas Carols, Carnival, Christmas, Magpies, pay tribute candle, etc.) Also, employees are looking for new famous countrymen who glorified Klimovschinu outside Belarus.

Of cultural events at the request of schools, high schools, organizations, children's gardens in the museum The museum hold class, "natural world", telling about the representatives of wildlife, birds, reptiles, our forests. Museum occupation "Familiar Strangers" presents "red helpers", "Forest Pest," "Insects of nature." Museum occupation "Plants healers" tells about the trees, plants, fruits and vegetables healers. Museum occupation "Miracle Bee" introduces the honey bees, the Queen of hexapod (womb), medicine from the hive. Museum occupation "Who says hours "Tick-tock""of the clock of history (sea, sun, sand, wall clock, etc.). Museum occupation
"Neighbors on the planet" is about pets (dogs, cats, horses, cows). Museum occupation "as bread came to the table", introduces the process of growing corn, harvesting, baking. Lesson "History of congratulation and not only ..." tells the history of postcards. The museum lesson "Burn, burn my candle" on the history of the emergence candles, it is used in rituals and methods of manufacture. Lesson "Furniture past years" - about the main features of the furniture of different periods, the characteristic of different styles of art and their influence on the furniture. Museum occupation "What whispers birch" is about the meaning and application of a birch and its forms. Lesson "Traditions and rituals" at birth, baptism, the wires to the Army, about wedding ceremonies (matchmaking, zaruchiny, wedding), funeral rites. Museum also hosts classes "Artists Klimovschiny", "And the music sounds", "From a penny to the ruble", "Belarusian towel. Tradition and Modernity", "Journey to the country of straw", "Belarusian national costume", "History of his native city", "Klimovschina during the Great Patriotic War", "A lesson in high school", "The thread for thread", "pottery by Klimovschine", "The Forgotten profession". In addition to the museum's activities include lectures on various subjects: "Belarusian symbols" - about the history of the coat of arms and the flag of our Republic and the region, "Belarusian writers of the Enlightenment", "Belarusian hut", "ancient holiday of Ivan Kupala", "Klimovchane - Heroes of the Soviet Union", "Famous Klimovschiny countrymen", "Sport Klimovschiny pride", "Peculiarities of iconography in Belarus. The images in the iconography of saints", "Developers rocket and space technology". On holidays, the national calendar held interactive museum studies "And we have for Christmas", "Holiday of Holidays", "Maslenitsa", "National Holiday "Trinity"", "Magpies arrival - spring bear". Museum also hosts interactive lessons on the nature of his native land: "Spring and autumn flowers", "Mushroom Kingdom". Of souvenirs in the museum there are various booklets on the history of Klimovschiny and memorable places, personalized booklets devoted to prominent Klimovschiny, magnetic and ceramic gifts.

Photo - Klimovichi Local History Museum

    Schedule Klimovichi Local History Museum

    • Administration 08:00 - 17:00 weekend Sunday, Monday
    • Cash 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Sunday
    • Exposure 09:00 - 18:00 weekend Monday

    Location map - Klimovichi Local History Museum

    Address 213633, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Klimovichi, Sovetskaya st., 69 GPS Google: 53.60826′ N, 53.60826′ E