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Museum Center of wooden sculpture on Tereblichy

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Type: Ethnographic The exhibition: 10 Location: Brest region

Center of wooden sculpture on Tereblichyis an initiative of the national master Ivan Filippovich Suprunchik - member of many national exhibitions and plein air, three times winner of the International festival "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk. The artist received a special prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus "For spiritual revival" is a member of the Belarusian Union of Artists of folk art. The museum is located in the village of Tereblichi in the village library in the Stolin district, Brest region. Museum of Ethnography in Tereblichah established in 1996. In 2001, the museum is set the title of "People." In the 2010 decision of the Stolin District Executive Committee set up a center of wooden sculpture. The museum has collected more than a thousand items of the old village life around the village. In addition to everyday objects in the museum collection of wooden sculptures that illustrate the local traditions and customs, preserved since pagan times. Most of them are related to the cycle of human life: birth, marriage and death.

demonstration area of museum is 420 m2. Operates 10 permanent and five temporary exhibitions. The total number of museum objects is 1435, of which general fund in 1300, research and support 135.

Photo - Center of wooden sculpture on Tereblichy

    Exposure - Center of wooden sculpture on Tereblichy

    1. Interior a peasant house Here are the cradle, icons, towels, loom, chairs, etc.
    2. Clothing peasants Tereblichi exhibition includes a linen casual wear peasants XIXth and beginning of the XXth century.: male and female, children and adults, as well as wedding gowns.
    3. The rites of our ancestors the department include rituals, the description of which is taken from the old-timers of the village, such as a wedding ceremony. Some rituals are illustrated.
    4. Department of agriculture displays objects that were used by farmers: Saha, a wooden hoe, sickle, pitchfork, scythe, rake, etc.
    5. Tools and home fishery products exhibit includes wood items are: an ax, a trough, a machine for turning stakes.
    6. Beekeeping and fishing presented feeders and blades for dostavaniya honey; boat made ​​of black oak, materials for weaving nets, anchors and other items for fishing.
    7. Polessie stories the works I.F. Suprunchik exhibition features unique wooden sculptures and compositions: "Wedding", "Kalyadki," "Jesus Christ and his 12 apostles;" painting - "Man at the wheel," "Jingle Chernobyl", "Сrown of thorns of Chernobyl", etc.
    8. Culture and life of our ancestors сlothes and shoes of the villagers, the materials on the history of Polessye, land documents since the Stolypin reforms, judicial opinion on petitions, rare books.
    9. Great Patriotic War The exhibition includes letters, funerals, photos, albums, awards veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the soldiers in Afghanistan.
    10. Land the origins of our heritage there are folk songs of the village, legends, traditions, songs, wedding ceremony, Dazhynki, baths and other

    Schedule Center of wooden sculpture on Tereblichy

    • Administration 10.00 - 13.00 weekend Monday
    • Cash 10.00 - 13.00 weekend Monday
    • Exposure 10.00 - 13.00 weekend Monday

    Location map - Center of wooden sculpture on Tereblichy

    Address 225552, Republic of Belarus, Brest region., Stolin district, Tereblichi, str. 9 th May , 6. GPS Google: 52.016447′ N, 52.016447′ E