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Museum-Estate of Mickiewiczes «Zaosje»

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Type: Literary Location: Brest region

Museum-Estate Mickiewiczes "Zaosje" was founded in 1998. Zaosje - known in the country and far beyond the place, as it was born, there was a happy, there your heart has left one of the greatest geniuses of mankind Adam Mickiewicz. The first documentary about Zaosje memories come from 1775, when the gentleman kind Rymvidav, coat of arms "race," Joseph Mickiewicz (grandfather's brother Adam) of Novogrudskii County filed suit in court on Novogrudskiy nobleman M.Yanovicha the same district, the owner of the estate Zaosje about recovery from Janovicha loan in the amount of more than 700 zlotys. The case was considered in court several times, and eventually Janowicz, who was unable to pay the debt, court had to give Zaosje Mickiewicz estate as collateral. 20 years after the tragic circumstances Zaosje estate becomes the property of Nicholas Mickiewicz, Adam's father. Here he was born on the night of December 24 to 25 the night of Christ's birth, the son of Adam, which was destined in the future to have an abiding glory. In this house he spent his childhood here a teenager, with his brothers, spent every year summer vacation, here flew in love student and then a teacher from Kovno, to be closer to his girlfriend Mary Veraschaki with Tuganavich, near Zaosje. The fate of the noble court is different from the stories of other estates in our land. Almost all of them are broken and destroyed. In July, 1916 and burned down the house where the poet was born. After 10 years on the site of the estate Polish military put a big beautiful obelisk to commemorate the poet. The obelisk stood until the mid 90-ies of XX century.

When approaching the anniversary of Adam Mickiewicz by decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus № 580 "On the 200th anniversary of the birth of poet Adam Mickiewicz's" decided to reconstruct the estate in Zaosje and a museum. The basis was taken E.Pavlovicha drawing, the artist from Navagrudak that he made in the summer of 1843. During the archaeological excavations found the foundation of the burned house, a lot of other interesting things. Reconstructed buildings are precisely those most walls, as there were before. September 8, 1998 the museum was opened, which is the Gentry yard second half of the XVIII c. wooden structures covered with reeds, in the center of one-story house with a porch in front of him - the attic (lyamus), then the barn, shed, sauna, water well, and others. yard is enclosed by a sturdy fence, as in those days, said, "gentleman in his zagrodze - is governor". Around the house flower gardens, grow trees, ornamental shrubs. The manor house is located in a valley along the fields, only one side of a huge mountain rises Zharnova that Miscavige mentioned in the poems. There is also a small grove of pine and deciduous trees. Manor willingly opens the door to the guests. exposure to the foundation laid poem "Pan Tadeusz". Going from room to room, visitors to the museum can provide a little bit like living here and sway, and that the most important in their life were family, work, land. wrote about it later, Adam's brother, Francis "... they had quite frail estate, wealth or titles did not have but of the virtues of their own have been nice, with the consent of the family, with the love of neighbor, milosttyu to the poor, the love of God, sincerity, truth, hospitality, honesty, good house-proud, brought up children, and in general - with the love of his beloved Lithuania, sweet land, our Fatherland". From the porch we go into the hall. Cenis divide, as is usual in such homes, estate into two halves, one for the gentlemen, the other - for the servants. The door to the right leads into the great room - dining room. From this room a door leads into the living room, the second - to the bedroom. For the bedroom there is a small room and a first aid kit. In the second half of the house was located attendants, and next to her pantry for supplies. The kitchen and cellar out to the garden. Of great interest is a two-storey barn. Below are various household tools and appliances, including millstones, barrels for pickling cucumbers and cabbage, kubeltsy for fat, cut for grain and much more. On the upside - a summer house, a room of Adam in the summer, when he came out on a date to Marilia. On the floor here, as in those days, is a bear pelt, stand bed, desk, trunk, and other things. Not far from the house grew, until recently, a huge three hundred linden. Near it is a lot of big rocks. This linden his shadow to give children in the summer heat seekers. It was a popular place of entertainment Adam brothers and cousin. Old lime tree a few years ago broke the storm, a tree struck by lightning. But it was a big stump from which went to the growth of a new lime. Museum staff are making great efforts to fill the house with original things and objects of that era, so that every visitor had the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the house of those ancient times, to stop, to slow down his pace in life, take the opportunity to go through a brief visit to the former great experience true stories.

Photo - Museum-Estate of Mickiewiczes «Zaosje»

    Individual and corporate excursions - Museum-Estate of Mickiewiczes «Zaosje»

    Schedule Museum-Estate of Mickiewiczes «Zaosje»

    • Administration 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday
    • Cash 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday
    • Exposure 10:00 - 17:00 weekend Monday, Tuesday

    Location map - Museum-Estate of Mickiewiczes «Zaosje»

    Address 225315, Republic of Belarus, Brest region., Baranovichi district, village Zaosje GPS Google: 53.278648′ N, 53.278648′ E