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Tour Following Adam Mickiewicz рath

Book a tour The excursion program

Route: MinskNovogrudokMinsk
Distance: 370 km
Duration: 12:00 hour
Kind: Bus-Walking tours
Language of training: Russian

Pushkin, Ryleyev, Bestuzhev, Delwig, Vyazemsky admired his verses. He was born in the territory of present Belarus, I wrote in Polish, lived and worked in Europe, and has died in Turkey. However from everywhere soul pulled him home – on Novogrudchina where there will take place the excursion. Mickevicz was born in Zaosye at the end of the 18th century in a shlyakhetsky folvark which you visit. Further - ancient Novogrudok where have passed the childhood and Adam's youth, the house where he lived has remained. In the city the monument to the best poet of an era of romanticism is established and man-made Mound of Immortality where long time people carried the earth from different regions of the World is built.

The excursion program

The excursion program - Following Adam Mickiewicz рath

  • Gathering the group
    Gathering the group
  • Moving
    Moving in Zaose (140 km)
  • Museum
    Museum Museum-Estate of Mickiewiczes «Zaosje»
    In Zaosye, in 1798 Adam Mickiewicz was born and at that time there was an estate of family of the writer. Today here the museum complex repeating planning of a traditional shlyakhetsky folvark of the end of XVIII – the beginning of the XIX centuries is located. In his center there is a house, ambarets, the shed and a barn are opposite located. Here the well crane, a cellar and a bath on the bank of a small pond are constructed. The literary and documentary exposition "Return of sir Tadeusz" which will acquaint you with history a folvarka in Zaosye is developed in halls of the house estate.
  • Moving
    Moving in Novogrudok (47 km)
  • Lunch
    Абед у адным з кафэ горада Наваградак ці на сельскай сядзібе па жаданні групы.
  • Attraction
    Attraction St. Michael the Archangel Church in Novogrudok (visual inspection)

    At the beginning of the 17th century representatives of a Catholic award – Dominicans located in Novogrudka. For them the church was also built that combines elements of magnificent and festive baroque and late classicism. What was only not seen by the temple: soldiers and fires, granary and furniture warehouse, desolation and elimination of an award. However in the best times at a church the monastery and school worked. The writer and politician Adam Mickiewicz studied at school of this.

  • Attraction
    Attraction St. Nicholas Cathedral in Novogrudok (visual inspection)

    At the beginning of the 14th century the Grand duke Lithuanian Gedemin invited in Novogrudok Frantsiskantsev. About hundred years they worked on creation of the temple – Saint Anthony's church. The temple is complete - but in 50 years the Catholic award is forced to leave the monastery. However, despite destiny milestones, it reached our time, let a little modified. In the city you still should learn about its history and a role.

  • Attraction
    Attraction Novogrudsky Castle ruins
    Novogrudok – the first capital of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The city with thousand-year history kept surprising landscapes of hills and the woods, the view of which opens from Zamkova Hora. And on it ruins of the majestic castle where many centuries Mindovg was crowned back tower. The Novogrudsky lock, located at hill top, is visible for many kilometers from the city – its towers as if giants, are cut down from a boulder, from a distance reported about power and greatness of fortress.
  • Attraction
    Attraction Farny Catholic Church in Novogrudok (visual inspection)

    Novogrudok Farny Church of the Transfiguration is one of the oldest and most significant Catholic shrines in Belarus. This church is located in Novogrudok at the foot of Zamkova Hill on 1st May Street. Built at the end of the 14th century by Grand Duke Vytautas, the church was initially constructed in the Gothic style and later rebuilt in the Sarmatian Baroque style in the 18th century.

  • Attraction
    Attraction Mound of Immortality of A. Mitskevich (visual inspection)
    Near Zamkova Mountain lies an unusual hill, poured in honor of the great Belarusian poet. It was founded on May 27, 1924. The first handful of earth was replaced by the head of the Mickiewicz Committee, Professor Stanislaw Wojciechowski, and then by the inhabitants of Novogrudok, Lithuania and Poland. For 7 years here came compatriots A. Mickiewicz, as well as simple admirers of his talent, to bring some land from his homeland. Who could not come, sent it by mail. The mound grew and grew. June 1830 was declared the "Mickiewicz days". The authorities announced the imminent completion of the construction. This decision caused an influx of tourists to Novogrudok - everyone wanted to have time to take part in the erection of the mound. June 28, 1931 after a service in the Farny Church, where he was baptized A. Mickiewicz, the monument was solemnly handed over to the city.
  • Attraction
    Attraction A.Mickiewicz monument in Novogrudok (visual inspection)
    Monument to A. Mickiewicz was opened in 1993 in a local park designed by the sculptor Valeryan Yanushkevich. For more than a century it took to perpetuate the memory of the poet in Novogrudok: the first attempt to establish a memorial was made as far back as the end of 1860. The monument is set in front of the entrance to Zamchishche, which is very symbolic: the formation of the poet's personality from a young age occurred under the influence of those events of the Novogrudskaya history that played a huge role in the fate of the whole territory, which Mickiewicz called Lithuania, calling himself - the heir of this rich historical past - Litwin.
  • Museum
    Museum House-Museum of Adam Mickiewich in Novogrudok
    House-Museum of Adam Mickiewich in Novogrudok appeared in September 1938 in the place where the parents of the famous Polish-Belarusian poet, publicist and public figure once lived. The museum owes its opening to the efforts of the voluntary scientific community «Mitskevichsky Committee».
    By 1991 the building of the museum was reconstructed in the image of the historical original of the XIX century, there appeared an outbuilding, a well, a gazebo, a barn. Today, the museum has a collection of more than 8,000 exhibits: personal belongings, documents, portraits of the family of Adam Mickiewich, books of the XVIII century, archaeological finds of the homeland of the poet and much more.
  • Moving
    Moving in Minsk (150 km)
  • The end of the tour

Map of the tour route Following Adam Mickiewicz рath