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News : Maslenitsa in Pansky maentak Sula

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Exсursion Excursion to the Grand Duchy of Sula

Maslenitsa in Pansky maentak Sula

From February 17 to March 8, 2020 Pansky maentak «Sula» invites to a unique Maslenitsa program «Maslenitsa weeks». From the first steps on the Sula land you will find a fascinating immersion in the Slavic traditions of Pancake Week!

«Pansky maentak «Sula»» will help you to get acquainted with interesting ceremonies and games associated with the Maslenitsa festival, uncover the meaning of familiar traditions, have fun from the heart on a wide walk in the atmosphere of a noble estate of the XVIII century!

In the holiday program:

  • visit to Sula castle;
  • exciting master-classes in the forge and pottery workshop;
  • quest game in the Collegium;
  • lots of fun in the fresh air;
  • interactive point «Royal Assembly»;
  • acquaintance with Maslenitsa traditions, during which participants will participate in fun games and competitions;
  • author's performance in Sula batleyka.

You can visit the Pansky Maentak «Sula» as part of the tour «Pansky maentak Sula - Rubezhevichi». You can familiarize yourself with the program and the schedule of the tour on its page.

Latest news Exсursion Excursion to the Grand Duchy of Sula