News : Maslenitsa in Stroitsitsy
Maslenitsa in Stroitsitsy
13-March-2013Museum of Folk Architecture and Life Strochitsy invites:
March 17, 2013 to celebrate
Maslenicy - a cheerful holiday farewell to winter since pagan times! You will be able to participate in traditional rites “Vyvaz babkі-pavіtuhі”, “Abyhod hat”, “Abrakal'ny abrad”, along with folk groups to sing and dance to traditional music, solemnly burn an effigy of Maslenica. Also enjoy an indispensable attribute of this wonderful holiday - pancakes - symbol of the Sun: round, ruddy, hot! A courageous and active can get a tasty prize with Pancake post!
Museum of Folk Architecture and Life Strochitsy is 4 km away from Minsk on the bank of Ptich. This is Belarusian Skansen, open-air museum. It presents three ethnographic region of Belarus: Central Belarus, Poozer'e and Podneprov'e. Here are collected the rural buildings from all over the country, since the XVII century, during the excursion visitors are introduced to rural life in Belarus.
During the event Maslenicy everyone can meet with the exposition, make unforgettable pictures, buy original souvenirs of craftsmen. This day will summarize the traditional competition "Maslenichnaja doll-2013". Material and dolls depend only on the imagination of the creators! And the winners will receive prizes!
We invite organized groups and individual tourists on a excursion "Strochitsy" 17 March and on other days.