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A tour Grodno and surroundings (5 days)

over 18 years

up to 18 years

Tour - Grodno and surroundings (5 days)

The excursion program - Grodno and surroundings (5 days)

  • 1day
  • Gathering the group
    Gathering the group in the Upper Town area, at the entrance to the Information and Tourism Center of Minsk (building with columns and inscription «Вялiкi гасцiны двор»), Freedom Square 8
  • Excursion
    Excursion tour Minsk city tour

    Daily group or individual tour around Minsk (или Minsk city tour) by bus from the railway station with the best guides. During the trip you will see the most interesting sights of the city - the capital of the Republic of Belarus. Wide avenues and cozy streets, the historical part of old Minsk, the Minsk city Hall and the Island of Tears. The tour takes 3 hours and you will get off the bus 2 times for walking. After the tour, it will be easy for you to navigate the city, the guide will answer any questions and tell you about the best cafes and shops in Minsk.

    You will see: Nezavisimosti Avenue, Freedom Square, Ruins of Minsk ancient castle (visual inspection), Trinity suburb, National Library of Belarus (visual inspection), Island of courage and sorrow (visual inspection), A sports complex Minsk-Arena (visual inspection)
    Attraction Attraction Attraction Attraction Attraction Attraction Attraction
  • Lunch
  • Free time
    Free time
    On your own time you may visit shopping malls. Also, upon request, we may organize for you: visit to museums, theaters, circus, exhibition halls etc.
  • 2day
  • Breakfast
  • Excursion
    Excursion tour Mir Castle - Nesvizh Palace

    One-day tour to the castles of Mir and Nesvizh with the best guides in Minsk. In one day you will visit the most popular and interesting sights of Belarus - Mir Castle and Nesvizh Palace - two of the four objects from the UNESCO World Heritage List at once. A group tour from Minsk by bus starts from the railway station and is held regularly several times a week. Would you like to visit the castles individually? You can book for any day and any time. You don't have to pay extra for anything. Everything is included in the cost of the trip: lunch in a cafe, entrance tickets to castles with excursions, a professional guide. Prepare comfortable shoes and don't forget your cameras! А lot of impressions are waiting for you: from the chic halls of princes to dark cellars and narrow towers. Let's reveal the secret: the ghost of the Nesvizh Castle still exists, and the bewitching legend of the Black Lady definitely won't leave you indifferent...

  • 3day
  • Breakfast
  • Excursion
    Excursion tour Slonim - Zhirovichi - Synkovichi

    Numerous ancient and majestic temples, monasteries, beauty and cosiness of the streets towering on the bank of Shchara and Issah. For quantity of sights Slonim is compared to Northern Athens. It is worth driving off on only 13 km and before you unusual to an eye construction – the most ancient Belarusian church of defensive type. 20 more km – and you in the place really surprising – Zhirovichsky Sacred and Uspensky monastery with the most ancient wonder-working icon.

  • 4day
  • Breakfast
  • Excursion
    Excursion tour Grodno - Augustow Canal

    Grodno is a city that has repeatedly become the residence of Lithuanian princes and Polish kings. It was they who created, preserved and transferred to the heritage of countless masterpieces of architecture. After a walk with medieval trails, the excursion will take you to an outstanding hydrological structure - the Augustow Canal. Picturesque places along the Augustow canal with traces of the past centuries - military forts, the palace in Svyatsk, Sopotsky church and ancient sluices will not leave you indifferent.

  • Moving
    Moving in Lida (115 km)
  • Attraction
    Attraction Cathedral of St. Michael The Archangel in Lida (visual inspection)
    Having seen it, you hardly learn in the cathedral is mute. Before you the beautiful palace will be. However, having thumbed through pages of the past of Sacred and Mikhaylovsky church, you learn in what a secret of its shape and history. How fate of the temple existing since the time of Public relations of the 17th century up to now was?
  • Attraction
    Attraction Exaltation of the Cross church in Lida (visual inspection)
    Long time in Lida attempts construction of Catholic temples anyway became. However all of them came to the end extremely tragically – pagan aggression, disapproval of the prince, the fires of crusaders. So was to the middle of the 18th century. In 1770 in the city the Roman Catholic Parish Church of Erection of the Sacred Cross appeared. The outstanding architect, the founder of refined architectural style, after called "vilensky baroque" - Johann Christoph Glaubits became the architect of the project.
  • Attraction
    Attraction Lidа castle
    In 1323 the prince Gedimin gave the order to put the stone lock to cover to knights the road to the center of lands of the principality Lithuanian. In 5 years the kostel was built. Time the lock was besieged by the English, German, French knights. The Lidsky lock is "time machine" and a fascinating travel to the Middle Ages where continually there is a place to romanticism and knightly valor. Here everyone will be able to feel as the ancient soldier, having tried on an armor and to like the mystical atmosphere, having learned what ghost protects a citadel.
  • Moving
    Moving in Minsk (175 km)
  • 5day
  • Breakfast
  • Check out
    Check out
  • Moving
    Moving in Rakov (50 km)
  • Attraction
    Attraction Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya Church in Rakov (visual inspection)
    In 1686, monks of Dominicans appeared in Rakov, then ⎯ the basilians. At the Basilian monastery, founded here in 1702, there was a library, an archive, a hospital. And in 1793 the construction of the monastery church was completed. After the abolition of the union of power, the monastery was closed, the church became the Orthodox Transfiguration Church. In the church there is an icon that is venerated by the parishioners, which is called "Athos". This is a list from the icon of the Mother of God "Akathist" or "The Forerunner", transferred in 1910 as a gift of the Savior-Transfiguration Church by the monks of Mount Athos. The list was made by the monks of the Holy Mountain on a cypress board, in which a particle of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, a pebble from the grave of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was part of the relics of St. Charalampia, St. Gregory Palamas, mch. George the New. By its decoration and splendor, the Rakovsky Church has become one of the best temples of the Minsk diocese.
  • Attraction
    Attraction Mother of God Ruzhantsova and St. Dominic Church in Rakov (visual inspection)
    Rakov – the town which has received glory of "the capital of smugglers" for "crafts" of inhabitants of the beginning of the 20th century and for quantity of gambling and entertaining institutions. Life raged here at all times. However if to stop by in Cancers now – will remind of former times unless a church. The church of God's Mother of Ruzhantsova and Saint Dominica constructed in style of a medieval gothic style it is proud towers over the town and pride him is justified. Religious life of Rakov, as well as all Belarusian lands, has endured a set of difficult tests, violence and oppression. It was hard to come to tolerance which gives a belief option to residents of the country now. About history of a church and the town you will be told by the guide.
  • Moving
    Moving in Ivenets (30 km)
  • Attraction
    Attraction St. Aleksei Catholic Church in Ivenets (visual inspection)
    Alekseevsky church in Ivyanets is almost the same age as the Rakovsky church. Its construction was completed by 1907. For 14 years (1976 - 1990) it was used as a book depository of the State Library of Belarus. IN AND. Lenin and in 1990 was returned to the faithful. I would like to emphasize that the St. Alexis Church in Ivyanets is distinguished by a high culture of construction works, which is manifested in the special care of the brickwork, and in careful study of all the details of the rich decor, and in the emphasized simplicity and clarity of the composition solution. All this, taken together, allowed the builders of the temple to create a holistic architectural image in which the aesthetic program of Gothic architecture, inspired by the ideas of the early twentieth century, was realized.
  • Attraction
    Attraction St. Michael the Archangel Church in Ivenets (visual inspection)
    Even accidentally passable through Ivenets, your look will surely hook on two magnificent temples. One of them soaring as if the white ship, over a water smooth surface, Saint Mikhail Arkhangel's church. His easy and elegant baroque silhouette decorates about 300 years the town. Earlier it was a part of the monastery of Franciscans and also: and here restoration works of the magnificent architectural work come to the end with church, shop, the pickling shop, high school, the eksperementalno-research shop now. Doors open again for parishioners and guests of the town.
  • Lunch
  • A taxi to the airport
    A taxi to the airport
  • The end of the tour