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Polesskaya universal fair «Pintа-2017»

Polesskaya universal fair «Pintа-2017»

Polesskaya universal fair «Pintа-2017»

Pinsk , MICE event 7 - 8 October 2017

October 7-8, 2017 in Pinsk will pass the Polesie universal fair «Pintа-2017». Main exhibition topics: industrial equipment, construction, selhoznaznacheniya appliances, consumer goods, furniture, food industry, meat and dairy products, confectionery and bakery products. The event was organized by the Pinsk city Executive Committee and the unitary enterprise «Brest branch of BCCI». In the outdoor area, the exhibition of new machinery. Participants were: closed joint-stock company «Amkodor-Pinsk», open joint stock company «Pinsk factory of small-scale mechanization means» limited liability company «APS-Brest» (RENAULT).

Location: Pinsk, House of culture, Lenin sq., 7A
Time: October 7-8, 2017.