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Sports fishery competitions «Pike good luck»

Sports fishery competitions «Pike good luck»

Sports fishery competitions «Pike good luck»

Braslav , Sportive competition 22 February 2013
Venue of a traditional holiday of winter fishing «Pike good luck» becomes one of Braslav lakes, which will pass on February 22, 2013. Annually the intention to test «Pike good luck» is declared by fans of winter fishing from Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and other countries. Winners will be defined in several nominations, main from which become «Pike good luck» and «The bream and others - too fish». The owner of the main prize of competitions on ice fishing «Pike good luck» will acquire the right free of charge to fish all year on Braslav lakes. Prizes will get not only to the owner of the most great take, but also those whom the fishing happiness will avoid. Fishing holiday, as well as it is necessary, will come to the end with fish soup and a hot bath.

Competitions will take place according to Rules of fishing economy and fishery. The permit on amateur fishery can be got directly on a competition venue.

Venue: Vitebsk region, Braslavsky district (reservoirs of National park «Braslav Lakes»).