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The XXІІ International festival «Slavaynski bazar in Vitebsk»
The XXІІ International festival «Slavaynski bazar in Vitebsk»
On July 11-17th 2013 The XXІІ International festival «Slavaynski bazar in Vitebsk» will take place.Carrying out of this festival is one of the most important and significant cultural events of Belarus and CIS countries. The program of the festival includes traditional Days of culture, Day of the Union State, various musical and theatrical projects, creative actions. The main event of the festival is still the XXII International competition of song performers «Vitebsk-2013» and XI the International children's musical competition «Vitebsk-2013».
Within the Day of the Union State carrying out a concert in honor of the 100 anniversary of the national actor of the USSR composer Mark Fradkin is planned. Within the Day of youth the festivals "Belarus in our heart!" and «Dance fire–2013» will take place. In the days of festival city visitors will be able to take pleasure from the concert of the National academic concert orchestra of Belarus under the leadership of Mihail Finberg with participation of popular performers. Behind a framework of official part traditionally there are solo concerts of actors in the Summer amphitheater which will be held before opening and after action closing. In the days of festival in Vitebsk The city of handicraftsman and fair sale of production of Vitebsk and Belarusian producers will be held.
Venue: Vitebsk, Summer amphitheater