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Environmental Festival «Sporovsky hayfields»

Environmental Festival «Sporovsky hayfields»

Environmental Festival «Sporovsky hayfields»

Berezovka , Festival 22 August 2014

22-24 August 2014 in the village Vysokoe will be held Environmental Festival «Sporovsky hayfields».

Do You remember Leo Tolstoy, with his wonderful and unusual passion - mowing? In this case, You found really interesting and positive spectacle - European Championship handball haymaking. Here is where you can really admire the man's prowess and face off in the form of native Slavic sport. And no wonder that the festival «Sporovsky hayfields» will be held in Belarus for the seventh time - guests of the festival perfectly spend time participating, in addition to alia, in the Swamp Soccer Championships and having fun in a rope park.

Place: village Vysokoe, Brest region
Time: 22-24 August