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Belarusian Salad

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Belarusian Salad

«Belarusian» salad as a dish appeared recently, but it was created in the traditions of the national Belarusian cuisine. At the heart of the salad, there are products that have long been used in many Belarusian recipes: forest mushrooms, liver, onions, pickles.

Due to the fact that the geographical position of Belarus positively influences the growth of mushrooms, the Belarusians have mushroom salads on the table almost at every celebration.

Belarusian salad has such specificity that it can be cooked for holidays as well as daily.

You can taste the dishes of the national Belarusian cuisine during one of the excursions organized by «Automated tourism technologies» travel company, joining a group excursion or ordering an individual excursion for your family, friends, colleagues.