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All tours Belarus: Excursions in Minsk

Departure city

Theme tours

  • Minsk theatrical

    • Duration: 3 hours 30 min.

    «The theater has a great future as at everything that had the great past» - Carel Capek has told once and was right. Both hundreds years ago, and today incalculable number of admirers of theater around the world. They continually hurry to majestic halls to enjoy art of transfer of emotions in dance and opera singing, in acting. Today the theater has stepped further away - we suggest to glance in a behind the scenes and to learn as each theatrical history is born, to get acquainted with actors and to learn about the great theatrical past about which the Czech writer, on the example of Belarus and Minsk spoke.

  • «They have risen from a mortal hole. In bronze their final journey has stiffened. To death going - near us. Silent shout: Don't forget!» The excursion will pass across the territory of the former Minsk ghetto where about 100 thousand people are destroyed. You learn history of resettlement and life of Jews in the territory of pre-war Minsk. And after – about the historical events which have become the tragedy of all Jewish people and a word which can be written from capital letter. About incalculable quantity of a ghetto and extermination camps, about horrors of the night riots and mass executions, about underground fight doomed to death.

  • Belarusian State Circus

    • Duration: 1 hour 30 min.

    The Belarusian State Circus invites you to look into your backstage and see those premises that are hidden from the eyes of ordinary visitors: technical floors, make-up artists, animal cages and much more.

  • Belarus – the country of four religions which for many years coexist here in the world and mutual respect is the line created by time and history, eras. Quite often nearby it is possible to meet, for example, church, a church, a synagogue. The excursion will more deeply acquaint you with features of emergence and development, culture and traditions of the religions which are most extended to territories of Belarus – Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Judaism and Islam.

  • Military Minsk

    • Duration: 3 hours
    Minsk - the city the hero. The city where in war the largest city anti-fascist underground in Europe worked. In Minsk also the fourth has been created in size in Europe the extermination camp. It is the city which has fully felt all cruelty and lawlessness of fascism: Genocide, Holocaust, Occupation and horror... infinite horror of military years. But here, in ruins of Minsk, and the German army has learned about inaccessibility and courage of the Soviet people. - Belarus is independent, Minsk - his ancient and modern capital - is free and with pleasure welcomes guests. Memory of military years is kept by memorial complexes and the museums.
  • Picturesque traditions and ceremonies, variety of the most tasty dishes of the ethnic cuisine and original culture - in many respects they characterize the people which live here. And the harmonious combination of medieval architecture to modern tells about development and the embodiment of the best traditions at all times. Having chosen an excursion «Tasty Minsk», you will walk on the attracting small streets of the Old city, you learn about fascinating history of the Belarusian capital, you will try dishes of the ethnic cuisine in cozy cafe.

  • On an excursion to the Donarit printing house, you will see with your own eyes the process of manufacturing printed products, from pre-press preparation of the layout to the finished product. You will also see professional printing machines and get acquainted with modern printing houses. Visit the printing and binding shops, materials and finished products warehouse.
  • Minsk and BIVER brewery

    • Duration: 4 hours 30 min.
    Immerse yourself in the world of brewing with an exciting excursion to the BEAVER plant! Learn about ancient traditions and modern beer production technologies. You will enjoy tasting unique beers created with love and skill. Enjoy the atmosphere of friendliness and comfort, and also learn the secrets that make BEEVER beer truly special.
  • To the Modum factory

    • Duration: 2 hours
    One of the most unusual and educational excursions to production for schoolchildren and adults is the Modum factory. Who invented shampoo and how toothpaste is prepared... production secrets, the difference between children's and adult cosmetics... - all this can be learned during a tour of the factory. There is even a master class on how to create your own cosmetic product!
  • Minsk city tour

    • Duration: 3 hours 30 min.

    Discover the capital of Belarus on a sightseeing tour of Minsk! You will walk along the cozy streets of the Old Town, see majestic squares, unique Soviet architecture and modern symbols of the city. Learn fascinating facts, feel the atmosphere and take bright photos. This tour is conducted for Guests in foreign languages ​​and is ideal for the first acquaintance with Minsk!

  • The travel will begin with acquaintance to the Belarusian capital – the city of Minsk. Wonderfully this city combines noise of spacious avenues and a silent cosiness of small streets, modern skyscrapers and authentic historical building, bewitching landscapes of numerous squares and greatness of century temples – during the excursion you will see it. You will see and other party of a medal – Minsk and Belarus of times of military will open before you, at visit of the Belarusian state museum of history of the Great Patriotic War.

  • Temples of Minsk

    • Duration: 3 hours 30 min.

    For a long time, at the moments of joy and grief, at the moments of sorrow and despair, great governors, handicraftsmen, workers built temples and addressed God. Everyone through the belief. Temples know, remember, keep the most intimate secrets of all times, the most distinguished and fine paintings, relics. Now in Minsk about 50 shrines of various faiths work - many of them collapsed repeatedly, built up, restored. During the excursion you visit the most interesting cult constructions of the city: with special architecture, fine paintings, rare relics and, certainly, with rich history.

  • Evening Minsk

    49 reviews
    • Duration: 3 hours

    Minsk – the city with unique character and the person. For everyone it is the: at the same time Minsk remains both up-to-date, and ancient, and hasty, and slow, and business, and romantic … In a word, many-sided and cozy for each guest. The evening city will open before you absolutely on the other hand. Fires it is underlined modern constructions and will give magic and the night fairy tale to medieval constructions. In such atmosphere the feeling of a holiday does not leave for all evening.

  • Old manor - the monuments of the past, has a significant place in the cultural and historical heritage of Belarus. As a rule, all estate and park complex belonged gentry family, the status of which is awarded for merit and achievement of a certain position. Once upon a time, along with churches and monasteries, manor houses were adorn the Belarusian land, the place where the assembled material and cultural values, where national identity was formed. Excursions will introduce you to the history and architecture of the manors of Minsk region, the life and work of their owners, the legends and mysteries of the Belarusian nobility.

  • Sports Minsk

    • Duration: 3 hours

    Belarus by right is considered the sports country - enters 20 strongest countries of the world participating in the Olympic Games. Belarusians "support" favorite teams all heart, and athletes all heart feel infinite support and surely go to victories. Says about it also an interview of the Belarusian biathlonist Darya Domracheva after gaining the Olympic medal: "Guys, celebrate it properly. Only try to leave the city whole. Make it peacefully and kindly. Enjoy, I made it for you, for Belarus. Thank you that believed in me". Learn more about the Belarusian sport at an excursion "Sports Minsk"!

  • Minsk … Everyone can open in it something special, something special and unique. We suggest to combine a travel around the city with the most different types of rest. In this case – with immersion to the amazing world of books. After acquaintance to the fascinating past which is promptly developing present and prospects of the future of the Belarusian capital you visit National library of Belarus. It is ultramodern library – the Belarusian Almaz which became storage of a set of the most different types of books, provided the unique system of their transfer and, of course, the museum – you will see all this with own eyes.

  • Minsk - dolphinarium

    • Duration: 5 hours

    Do you want to add to an excursion on the capital of Belarus something bright, fascinating and unusual? This excursion definitely for you! Not so long ago in Minsk the representative of the international network of dolphinariums "Mutely" was open - he already became the silver prize-winner of Europe. Here in the close friendly relations careful trainers and marine mammals coexist. Together they prepared a set of interesting programs – we suggest to combine acquaintance to the city and acquaintance to the cleverest water inhabitants – dolphins, seals and a sea lion.

  • Minsk Tractor Works

    1 reviews
    • Duration: 3 hours 30 min.

    To your attention acquaintance to the capital of Belarus – the city of Minsk and one of the oldest productions – MTZ. The Minsk tractor works - "city" in the city where there are streets, garment factories, cafe and restaurant, radio and the concert hall, teams and music bands. You will visit the most different shops and learn history of one of the oldest productions. Today production of "BELARUS" works in all corners of Earth where there is life. Look with own eyes as tractors with the world name "BELARUS" are born on light.

  • Walking tour of Minsk

    8 reviews
    • Duration: 2 hours 30 min.

    Walking tour across Minsk – pleasant fascinating walk by a historical part of the city. Without hurrying you will walk on Liberty Square, among medieval temples and monasteries, on cozy small streets of the suburb Troitskoe and Svislach Embankment you will experience other Minsk – without daily vanity and noise of highways. Music in a stone and on streets, spirit of history and old times – the unforgettable atmosphere of the Upper city.

  • You will meet one of the oldest working breweries in Belarus. You will make a fascinating journey: from a small wooden brewery to the successfully developing "Olivaria Brewery". In the museum of the plant there are about 100 exhibits, among them a collection of beer bottles and labels of products of the plant of different years, old objects for making beer, interesting archival documents. During the excursion you will be offered to taste several types of products.

  • Minsk city tour

    66 reviews
    • Duration: 3 hours

    Daily group or individual tour around Minsk (или Minsk city tour) by bus from the railway station with the best guides. During the trip you will see the most interesting sights of the city - the capital of the Republic of Belarus. Wide avenues and cozy streets, the historical part of old Minsk, the Minsk city Hall and the Island of Tears. The tour takes 3 hours and you will get off the bus 2 times for walking. After the tour, it will be easy for you to navigate the city, the guide will answer any questions and tell you about the best cafes and shops in Minsk.