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News Archive

  • 3 January 2011

    From the 3d of January till the 3d of June, 2011 a musical contest «Junior voices of Minsk» will be held in Minsk. It is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the classic of the Belarusian literature Maxim Bogdanovich.

    Young writers of the Belarusian capital will present their works, and the jury consisted of the known Belarusian writers, will choose the most talented children. The main award will be the possibility to show their works to mass reader. The best works will be published in five books which release is planned to be carried out from June till September, 2011. Also young writers will receive recommendations for the introduction into the Union of writers of Belarus.

  • 4 January 2011

    From the 4th till 7th of January, 2011 the traditional VII international Christmas tournament on prizes of the president of Belarus will be held in Minsk. Hockey amateur teams from Austria, Germany, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Finland, Switzerland and Belarus will take part in these competitions from Austria, Germany, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Finland, Switzerland and Belarus. The tournament's schedule:

    4 January

    • Opening ceremony (Sports Palace)
    • Finland – Germany,
    • Slovakia – Switzerland,
    • Austria – Belarus,
    • Ukraine – Russiav

    5 January

    • Finland – Austria
    • Slovakia – Ukraine
    • Belarus – Germany
    • Russia – Switzerland

    6 January

    • Germany – Austria
    • Switzerland – Ukraine
    • Belarus – Finland
    • Russia – Slovakia

    7 January

    • Match for 3d place
    • Final
    • Closing ceremony

    Group stage will be held in the Sports Palace and Ice Palace in Minsk, and the match for 3d place and the Closing ceremony will be located in «Minsk-arena».

  • 5 January 2011
    From the 28th of December, 2010 till the 5th of January, 2011 IX Spiritually-educational exhibition-fair «Christmas» will be held in Minsk. The celebratory exposition will take place in the Palace of Art.

    The exhibition will be a good possibility to be prepared to orthodox Christians for Christmas holiday according to church traditions. Guests from Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine will take part in it:

    • representatives of monasteries and arrivals, spiritual educational institutions,
    • publishing houses,
    • icon painting workshops,
    • manufacturers of church vestments and utensils,
    • national skilled craftsmen and handicraftsmen.
    They will offer to Minsk dwellers and visitors of the capital the broadest choice of the spiritual literature, audiovisual production, icons, subjects of temple furniture, products of national crafts.
  • 6 January 2011

    From the December, 2010 till the 6th of January, 2011 the New Year's performance for children - «Wizard of OZ, or a fairy tale about the lost desire» will be held in a small hall of the Palace of Republic in Minsk.

    All visitors will become witnesses of surprising, full of magic and history adventures about little girl Elli, her dog Totoshka and the ancient silver shoes.

  • 6 January 2011

    The New Year's performance will take place at the end of 2010 and at the beginning of 2011 on the ice arena of the largest sports-cultural construction of Belarus - «Minsk-arena».

    The fairy tale will be constructed in the form of the hockey match consisting of three periods. During the breaks actors will perform on a scene. There will also be held mass games with all spectators.

  • 6 January 2011

    Untill the 6th of January, 2011 all Minsk dwellers and guests of the capital can see the interesting New Year adventures of the Spark and his friends.

    On the scene will perform - Sparkles, Skomoroshiny, Vanki-Vstanki and others together with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. There also will be held the amusing competitions and draws at the New Year tree.

  • 8 January 2011
    From the 8th till the 9th of January, 2011 the exhibition show of cats and kittens «Winter's Tale» will be held in Minsk. Its traditionally organized by the public association Belarusian Association Cat Fanciers' phenologist.

    Every pets owner can take part in the competition. Registrations should be made in advance. This can be done in the House of Nature on Wednesday - from 5 pm to 8 pm untill the 5th of January, 2011.

    Exhibition program:

    • Competition «Public favorite»

    nomination: «Best Cat, best young kitten»

    • Contest «Dream House»

    Opening hours: from 11.00 to 17.00. Location: Minsk, Trinity Suburb, the House of Nature M. Bogdanovich st., 9a.

  • 8 January 2011
    Till the 8th of January, 2011 a festive program for children and their parents will take place in Minsk in the National historical museum of Belarus - a real New Year's travel to visit White Rabbit.

    In the program:

    • Unusual adventures with White Rabbit
    • Meeting with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka
    • New Year's ball of Multjashek
    • Games with Zebra, Lion Alex and Dragon
    • New Year's gift from White Rabbit
    Schedule: 11:30, 13:00 14:30.

    Program cost: 25 000 BYR; cost of a ticket for the adults accompanying children, - 12500 BYR.

  • 9 January 2011

    From the 27th of December, 2010 till the 9th of January, 2011 the Republican Palace of culture of veterans invites children and their parents to fantastic performance «New year magic». SCHEDULE:

    • 27, 28, 29 December, 2010 – 2.00 pm
    • 30, 31 December, 2010 – 11.00 am, 2.00 pm
    • 2, 7, 8, 9 January, 2011 – 11.00 am, 2.00 pm

    Cost of tickets: 15 000 BYR.

  • 9 January 2011
    From the 9th till the 12th of January, 2010 the international festival of classical music «January musicales» will take place in Brest. As expected, there will participate the musicians and vocalists from 14 countries:
    • Bulgaria,

    • Hungary,

    • Germany,

    • Holland,

    • Italy,

    • China,

    • Lithuania,

    • Poland,

    • Russia,

    • The USA,

    • Ukraine,

    • France,

    • Czechia,

    • Belarus.

    The guests of the festival will be listening to the masterpieces of the West European, Russian and Belarusian music.

  • 11 January 2011

    On the 11th of January, 2011 at 5.00 pm in a big hall of the Museum of modern fine arts ( Independence avenue, 47) will take place the sculpture exhibition «Being enriched from each other» .

    The exhibition is devoted to the 70th anniversary of A.Artimovich. It is the attempt to show a role of an artist-teacher for modern art and culture, and first of all – for development of national Belarus sculptural school.

  • 13 January 2011
    On the 13th of January, 2011 the Big celebratory concert-performance «Talkachyk na Kaljady» will be held on a scene of Belgosfilormonii in Minsk. There will take place Belorusian folk groups, etna-theater, studio of the Indian classical dance and also foreign visitors.

    «Talkachyk na Kaljady» is the only folk modern festival in Belarus which popularizes national traditions among youth. Its purpose is thepreservation and development of the Belarus folk culture.

  • 13 January 2011
    In the National academic Bolshoi theater of an opera and ballet on the 13th January, 2011 will be held the Big New Year's ball. The program is constructed such way that visitors can take part in the action. The program includes:

    • dances,
    • music,
    • poetry,
    • draws,
    • jokes.
  • 14 January 2011

    On January 14, 2012 the festival of Sled dog racing «Snow dogs» will take place in the Picnic-hotel «Ekspeditsiya» , located in Logoisk, near Pleshchenitsy reservoir.

    The professionals from Russia, Ukraine, Baltic States and Belarus will participate in the festival. Its program includes: sled dog racing (Husky), relay races, competitions, and Old New Year celebrations in the fresh air (quad bike riding, banana riding behind a snowmobile). Everyone can experience the healing power of Siberian and Japanese baths.

    The festival begins at 11.00. Ticket price - about 40 000 BYR.

  • 15 January 2011
    On the 15th of January, 2011 the revival of ancient tradition will take place in the Museum of national architecture and life. Everyone can pay tribute to Shchadrats - the acient God of games and conversations.

    In the program:

    • the show of the unique ceremony «Christmas tsars»,
    • the competition to chose the best « Christmas star»,
    • the performances of the puppet theater Batlejka .

  • 29 January 2011
    On the 29th of January, 2011 the fascinating competitions - races on the dog teams - will be held in the country club «Festival» which is located in 30 km distance from Minsk. In the day's program:
    • «ski-dzhoringl» - one or two dogs
    • dogteam driving on the teams from two to six dogs
    • the most entertaining discipline - relay race.
    The race beginning is expecting at 12.00.

    The ticket cost for spectators - 7 000 BYR, for children which hight under 140 sm (the Alpine pass) - is free.

    In the country club all day will work a cafe. Ticket cost includes unlimited quantity of hot tea.

  • 4 February 2011

    From the 4th till the 6th of February, 2011 a qualifying stage of Tennis Europe Winter Cups by HEAD will be held in Minsk. It will be played by boys under 16 years.

    In the competition will take part:

  • Belgium,
  • Bulgaria,
  • Great Britain,
  • Greece,
  • Israel,
  • Romania,
  • Russia.
  • The event is played in two stages. During the qualifying stage (usually held during the first weekend of February), teams travel to one of four qualifying zones, each of which hosts up to eight nations. The winner and runner-up from each qualifying zone proceed to the final rounds a fortnight later.

  • 5 February 2011

    On the 5th of February, 2011 in the Big hall of Belgosfilarmonii will take place the concert of the State academic symphonic orchestra of Belarus, which is directed by the art director and main conductor Alexander Anisimov.

    The program:

    • N.Rimskij-Korsakov – Concert imagination on Russian themes for violin with orchestra
    • A.Glazunov – «Reflection» for violin with orchestra»
    • P.Tchaikovsky – «Melody»
    • P.Tchaikovsky – Waltz-scherzo for violin with orchestra
    • S.Rahmaninov – Symphony N2

    Beginning – 19:00.

  • 7 February 2011

    On the 7-d of February Indian dance festival will be held in Youth variety theater in Minsk. All visitors will be able to feel the atmosphere of the unique world of bright colours and incendiary rhythms of Bollivud.

    As expected in the festival will take part the studio of Indian classical dance «Indivara», the holders of World Cup in the dancing program of east dances Jasmin and Vitaly Molchana, the ensemble of Indian dance of «Sapna» and many others.

  • 9 February 2011

    From the 9th till 11th of February, 2011 the exhibition «Optics-2011» will be held in Minsk. It will be located in a pavilion «BelExpo». There will be presented different models of frames and glasses lenses, contact lenses, special means of care after them and various accessories.

    One of the last inventions - clearing napkins made from microfiber. This material consists of ultrathin fibres in diameter only 0,06 mm. Thanks to this property a napkin is capable to absorb much faster and is better, than other materials.

    Disposable damp napkins can be used to clean glasses. They are packed into tight packages. With their help it is possible quickly to wipe glasses because they contain a cleaner and alcohol.

    There are also special sprays - cleaners. Their contents need to put on a lens surface then it needs to be wiped by a reusable napkin from microfiber. It helps without any effort to delete fat and oils from a lense surface.

  • 12 February 2011

    From the 12th till the 14th ofl February, 2011 in Mogilyov will pass a cycle of concerts of known amateur performers and musicians from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

    The compertition will be opened by competition of an author's song «Circle» which will take place on a small scene of the Mogilyov dramatic theater. The competition purpose — search and support of young talents, and also development and popularization of an author's song.

  • 12 February 2011

    From the 12th till the 14th of February, 2011 in Mogilyov will take place Open regional youth competition of author's song «Circle» . It will be organized in a format of a creative project with the same name «Circle» which became original logic continuation of the first is musical-sports holiday «Big bard-fishing». It is a cycle of concerts of known amateur performers and musicians from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

  • 13 February 2011
    On the 13th of February, 2011 the concert of group from St.-Petersburg «Otto Dix» will take place for the first time. The music of the collective attracts fans of electronic avant-guard music and fans of a direction «darkwave».

    Participants of the group «Otto Dix» constantly try to be beyond any style: one time they take in the group the classical quartet, the other time they experiment with light and projective equipment. Besides, the visiting card of the vocalist of the group is the pantomime accompanying all concert action.

  • 13 February 2011

    On the 20th of December the Festival of church chanting «Kolozhsky ringing of church bells» will be held in Grodno. It will be the 10th time the festival taking place in this city. But this year it has become an international event.

    In the festival will take part visitors from Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine. There will be also broad presentation of Belarus. It is planned that a children's collective will participate in the competitive program.

  • 14 February 2011

    This Valentine's day in Gomel will be held an event named «Love-carrot». Among organizers there are Society of Red Cross and Red Half moon, German society on technical cooperation and Danish Red Cross in Gomel. The main aim of the action is to pay public attention to the problem of HIV-infections.

  • 15 February 2011

    From the 15th till the 18th of February, 2011 in NEC «BelExpo» Minsk international specialized exhibition «Footwear, bags and accessories» will take place.

    If you prefer qualitative production, but don't forget about fashion - this exhibition is for you. There will be presented different kinds of goods:

  • footwear
  • bags
  • accessories (purses, purse, belts and etc.)
  • tanning materials
  • completing materials and accessories
  • footwear сare products, fur and sheepskin
  • cars and equipment for repair of footwear
  • more
  • 16 February 2011

    On the 16th of February, 2011 all inhabitants and visitors of Minsk have a unique possibility to become witnesses of grandiose event where will mix up photo and music art, forming something new, what the spectators need to learn and like.

    The festival is devoted to technology of creation of video by a method of merge of two kinds of arts of photo and music: there is a time-lapse shooting then all material is reduced in one action.

    At the festival will be presented the works of photographers - musical clips stop-motion on the songs of musical groups of various styles and directions. Among photographers who will take part in unusual event: Akushevich Andrey, Fanchan Julia, Elena Volkovets, Helga Avleevich, etc. Groups: Naka, VOLK, Rokash, Plener, ZigZag and гр.Blagi mat and many other things.

  • 17 February 2011

    From the 17th till the 19th of February, 2011 Belarus-Italian regional forum will be held in Gomel. There will take part Belorussian principals of state bodies and enterprises, organizations of Gomel area. From the Italian side was confirmed the participation of representatives of companies Marcantonini S.R.L., Nordimpianti S.R.L. And Colosseum S.R.L.

  • 18 February 2011
    On the 18th of February a compertition of fishers will be held in Soligorsk. Its traditional organizer is a magazine «Hunting and fishing».

    This year the event will take place in Soligorsk water basin around Metjavichsky bridge. All fans of winter fishing are invited to participate in the compertition.

    Winners of the tournament will get prizes, and all participants - gifts.

  • 18 February 2011
    On the 18th of February a festival «Rock crowning» will take place in Minsk. Its organizers decided to surprise all admirers of rock - in a concert hall «Minsk» will be held a gala concert where will take part:

    • Neuro Dubel,
    • Krama,
    • N.R.M.,
    • Bez Bileta,
    • Drum Ecstasy,
    • Palats,
    • KRIWI,
    • Rasta,
    • Suzor'e.

    A special visitor of the event – Vyacheslav Inozemtseva's Plastic theater «InGest».

  • 19 February 2011
    On the 19th and 20th of February, 2011 Open city competition of soloists and ensembles «I play a jazz – 2011» will take place in Minsk. On one scene will perform young the performers and the groups, playing in a genre of jazz.

    The adress: an office of the Minsk State Palace of Youth (Minsk, the Old Vilensky path 41).

  • 19 February 2011
    From the 19th till the 20th of February, 2011 V Anniversary convention «Fitness Evolution 2011» will take place in sports club «Mir fitnesa».

    This event traditionally is the largest in the fitness industry of Belarus. Here it will be possible to get acquainted with last sports tendencies and modern effective programs. Among them: Step, Low, Tae-bo, Pilates, Yoga, Lady Dance, House, Hip-Hop, Waaking and many other. The master classes will present one of the best dancers of Moscow — Anastasia Bermus and Elena Nosonova.

  • 23 February 2011

    From the 23d till the 26th of February, 2011 7th International exhibition-fair «World of childhood - 2011» will be held in Minsk in the exhibition center «BelExpo» ( J.Kupaly str, 27). There everyone can see the modern inventions in the field of goods and services for children and future mothers.

  • 25 February 2011
    On thу 25th of February, 2010 the well-known festival of electro music «Regional Junior Battle V» will take place in Lida. The competitions and a party for young men will be held in a building of Palace of culture, and the place where will be held an after party is still an organizer's secret. The strict secret.

    The competitions are taking place for the further development of new dancing culture among local youth, rising of interest to the dances in style Electro dance among beginning dancers. This festival will allow to chose the most talented children and give them the possibility to perform at a higher level.

  • 26 February 2011
    On the 26th of February, 2011 a performance of a school of Irish dance "Phoenix" with their new dancing performance «Irish Times» will be held in Kobrin.

    The preparation lasted almost half a year: participants of school wrote a script, put new pas and perfected already familiar movements, did a soundtrack and sewed suits.

    The performance «Irish Times» urged to tell about many-sided, but still so unknown in Belarus the culture of ancient Ireland with its music, dances, customs and traditions.

  • 27 February 2011

    From the 2nd till the 27th February, 2011 Belarussian opera and ballet theater in Minsk invites everyone to the musicales.

    For all visitors will be performed the romances, Neapolitan songs, the best fragments from operas and operettas, products of composers of ХIХ both the XX-th centuries and Belarussian chamber classics.

  • 27 February 2011
    On the 27th of February, 2011 everyone is invited to take part in the traditional celebrations of the coming spring «Welcome, Pancake week!» All visitors can try different pancakes: round, hot, ruddy. This delicacy is an ancient symbol of the sun that day by day is shining more brightly and it is getting warmer outside. People still believe that by eating a pancake slice, they can get a part of heat and power of a great star.
  • 28 February 2011

    The Hip-hop festival «Energy of streets» will be held on the 28th February, 2011 in the club «Reactor» in Minsk. Such popular Belarus performers will take part in it, as Non-standard variant, Muse Scart, Professor and many others.

    The known rapper from St.-Petersburg Smoki Mo will become a special visitor of the festival. The program of the actor includes a new album, and also the main hits. Now Smoki Mo is one of the actors of Russia conducting a rap. Its previous album has taken 5th place in a total rating of 2010 year. The new album promises to be even more successful.

  • 2 March 2011
    from 2 to 4 March 2011 in Minsk in the pavilion Belexpo (Pobediteley, 14) will take place the specialized exhibition devoted to nuclear power - of Atomexpo-Belarus.
  • 3 March 2011
    On March, 3rd at 17.00 in the State literary museum of Yankee Kupaly the selection stage of festival «Vakacii of Kupala – 2011» begins.
    It is free and open competition of an author's song and poetry participation in which can accept any who has desire and inspiration to sing a song in the Belorussian language. To participation amateur performers and the ensembles playing acoustic tools also are invited.
    Competition is spent to some stages, since March 2011.
  • 1 stage - on March, 3rd 2011
  • 2 stage - April 2011
  • 3 stage - May 2011
  • Selection round occurs in the form of a concert in the Museum building, the final concert will pass in Museum branch in Vjazynke. more
  • 4 March 2011

    On the 4th of March a concert of a jazzman Al Jarreau - a music star, one of the brightest and remembered singers with an unforgettable voice will take place in a building of the Belorussian state philharmonic society. He will present his program for the first time in Belarus within the limits of his European tour.

  • 4 March 2011
    Davis Cup match Belarus - Bulgaria will be from 04 Mar to 06 Mar 2011 at The Republic Olympic Training Center for Tennis in Minsk. This match is the 1st round of Group II in Europe-Africa zone in 2011.

    Address of venue: Minsk, Pobediteley str, 63.
    Entrance is free.

  • 4 March 2011
    XI International Festival of medieval culture and music, White Castle 2011 will be from 4 to 6 March in the village Ostroshitsky town of Minsk district.
    "White Castle" - one of the oldest military-historical festivals wich is held in the former Soviet Union. The festival will be representatives of clubs in the military-historical reconstruction of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland.
    The festival program is designed for three days.
  • 5 March 2011

    March 5, 2011 for the first time the exhibition of thoroughbred horses  will take place in Minsk .

    The exhibition organizes by the National exhibition centre BelExpo, Pobediteley str., 14. Minsk residents and guests will be able to see the best representatives of elite species, as well as its high horse in Europe, which at the shoulder reaches 197 cm.

    Visitors waiting for a fascinating view of horse breeds. Best of the best compete for the championship. The program planned show of arabian horses, dressage, trail-pass routes and theatrical presentation of the historical equestrian club.

  • 5 March 2011
    March 5, 2011 in recreation based FPB will be celebratory festivities Maslenica. Start event is scheduled for 11.00. The program includes fun games and amusements, dances, songs, contests, horse riding, pancakes. The apogee of the holiday will be burning effigies of Maslenica at the stake. Maslenica week will run from February 28 to March 6. All week at the restaurant of recreation base FPB you can taste the real dandelion treats.
  • 8 March 2011

    International women`s day — holiday marked in a number of the countries as «women`s day», which sense varies from day of struggle of women for civil and social the rights to day of honoring of all women.

    For the first time the International women`s day was marked on March, 8th, 1911 in Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, in 1913 - in Russia. The United Nations have started to spend the International day of struggle for the rights of women - on March, 8th - in 1975 which has been declared by the International year of women.

    Now on March, 8th officially mark in 54 countries of the world, and about 66 % consider this holiday female. In 2011 to the 100 anniversary of celebrating of International women`s day the flower companies was published statistics, according to which 53 % of the clients ordering flowers on 8 March are women and only 47 % - men, and on the eve of a holiday tulips (26 %), roses use the greatest demand (11 %), irises (9 %), chrysanthemums (6 %).

  • 10 March 2011

    On the 10th of March, 2011 in the Republic Palace in Minsk (October squire, 1) will take place a concert of legendary Tsezariia Evora - « barefoot star» from islands of cape Verde, a performer of morna, fadu and modinha.

    Her music has already won hearts of millions people all over the world, now is the turn of Belarussians.

  • 10 March 2011
    From March, 10 till March, 13th in Minsk in exhibition centre Belekspo there will pass the International specialized exhibition-fair «Hunting and Fishery. Spring-2011». At an exhibition the hunting and fishing goods, the hunting weapon and ammunition, the hunting and tourist knifes, tackles for fishing, the hunting and fishing trophies and etc. will be presented
    The exhibition hall to be to the address: Minsk, J.Kupaly street, 27.
  • 17 March 2011

    From 14 March to 10 May 2011 a porcelain exhibition «White gold of Herenda» passes in the National art museum of the Republic of Belarus.
    Clients of factory Herenda are kings, emperors, governors and sultans as in XIX and in the XXI-st century. In 2001 activity of Herenda has been recognized by a part of the Hungarian heritage.
    About 130 exhibits given by Embassy of Hungary to the Republic of Belarus into an exposition, including decorative vases, candlesticks, subjects from tea, coffee and lunch services with a decor «Rothschild Bird». The exhibition will pass to the address: Minsk, Lenina street 20.

  • 22 March 2011

    International specialized exhibition «Strojekspo-2011. The Belorussian building market offers» will be held in Minsk from the 22d till the 25th of March, 2010. Among participants there are the leading Belorussian and foreign enterprises making and realizing building materials, technics, the equipment, and also rendering services in building and designing.

  • 25 March 2011
    From March, 25 till March, 27th in Minsk in the Palace of children and youth to the address 41st Starovilensky will pass the International Afro-Cuban Festival.

    The Festival program includes:

  • 3 concerts - «Baltic Salsa Orchestra» (Argentina/Litva), «100 % Ache Cubano» (Cube/Ukraina), Miguel Enriquez (Cube/italija)
  • 3 days of dancing master classes for all comers from leading instructors of the afro-cuban dances
  • 3 dancing-parties with competitions, photosession, an exhibition, etc.
  • more
  • 25 March 2011
    On March, 25th, 2011 at 19.30 in a cultural-sports complex Minsk-Аrena will take place the International tournament on mixed single combats Real Fight-FC . Real Fight-FC - the mixed single combats, the shock technics including the Brazilian ju-jitsu, sambo-wrestling, a judo, free-style wrestling, boxing, Thai boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling. Tournament consists of 6 fights of the basic standings. In competitions from Brazil, Cameroon, Moldova, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus fighters will take part in 4 weight categories.
    Tournament Real Fight-FC is a grandiose show in which the production light, bewitching music, performances of stars of show business and modern ballet with fine girls is scenery to the present uncompromising man's games-fights.
  • 29 March 2011
    From the 29th of March, till the 1st of April 2011 in Minsk in a football arena (the avenue of Winners, 20/2) there will pass the largest XVIII International specialized exhibition of Belarus - «Public health services of Belarus 2011».
    It is the largest medical exhibition in Belarus.
    Exhibition main objective - demonstration of experience of the leading firms of the world and home producers of medical products, medical cosmetics, optics, technics and the goods of medical appointment, the laboratory and diagnostic equipment, the stomatologic equipment, expendable materials.
  • 30 March 2011

    The exhibition «March cats» will take place in National exhibition center «Bel]kspo» from 30 March to 10 April 2011.

    At the exhibition will be presented Sergey Stel'mashonok compositions. He is the participant of republican and international art exhibitions with compositions on a theme of cats. You will see posters from unique interiors, ridiculous pictures and cheerful illustrations from life of remarkable cats and the people, placed on sections «CATaclysm», «Magic cats», «Life of Remarkable Cats», «Black-and-white CATovasiya», «Their customs».

    The exhibition will take place at NEC «Belekspo», J. Kupaly str., 27.

  • 30 March 2011
    On March, 30th, 2011 in the Minsk Palace of sports will take place dancing show «Lord of the Dance» . Lord of the Dance - one of most attractive dancing projects of the present, representing the Irish dances with high level of skill and fundamental school. They amaze imagination with the vigor, dynamism and expressional movements. It is a dizzy mix of traditions and the present. Here there is all: masterly dancers, bewitching music, the magnificent scenery impressing effects. Show represents dancing interpretation of one of the most known Irish legends about struggle of dark and light forces, talented young dancers are involved in work in statement, surprising plastic arts and which artistry revive on a scene spirit of ancient Ireland
    Founder Lord of the Dance Michael Fletli — the brilliant choreographer. It is brought in the Guinness Book of Records, as the fastest executor of a tap dance in the world, developed own style which consists from Irish both American step and a flamenco.
  • 31 March 2011
    On March, 31st in gallery «culture University» in the Republic Palace the exhibition of works opens «Retrospective. Alexander Borodulin» . And also the exhibition of photos devoted to the Great Patriotic War.

    These are works from Alexander and Lva Borodulinyh personal collection – the world's largest Collections of a classical Soviet photo. Besides Alexander plans To spend a number of meetings with professional photographers and fans of a photo.

    Alexander Borodulin – one of the celebrated personalities in the photoworld. With his name are connected both loud scandals, and bright successful projects, and beautiful stories. Alexander Borodulin was the first Soviet photographer working with such persons, as Andy MacDowell, princess Stefanija, Roman Polanski, Bef Tod, Dzhija, Silvija Majlz, Andy Uorholl, Sean Young, Margo Hemingway, Bills of Ajdl, Kate Richards, Freddi Merkjuri, Mikki Rourke, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many other things.

    It the first who has started to work with such known magazines as Vogue, Marie Claire, L’Officiel, Playboy, etc.
  • 1 April 2011
    On April, 1st at 19.00 on a concert platform of the Minsk Palace of sports will pass gala concert of winners of the Belorussian National selection round of the International competition «New wave-2011» . Except young executors platform and show business stars will take part in a concert: Sofia Rotaru, Alexander Serov, group «VIA-GRA», Njusha, group «Velvet», etc. The most popular stars of the Belorussian platform will support winners. Duration of a concert are more than 3 hours.
  • 2 April 2011
    The second of April 2011 the republican tournament ballroom dancing KINEZIS CUP 2011 will be conducted with the support of the Belarusian Dance Sport Federation.
    Prizes from the sponsors of the tournament, as well as branded cups and medals are waiting for tournament participants . And the audience can see an unforgettable demonstration performance from the leading pair of RB and have the sea of emotions from the tournament which will be presented about 300 pairs from all over Belarus at the age of 6 to 30 years.
    The tournament will be held at Minsk, Belarus, Independence Avenue 51.
  • 3 April 2011
    On April, 3rd in SК "Olympian" will pass open city competition of ballroom dances «Spring tango-2011». On competition there will arrive dancing steams from all Belarus, and also from the near abroad. To the most young contestants – 5 years. Organizers assume that dancing competitions can collect to 500 participants. In jury judges of the International organization of dancing sports Natalia Tovstashova, Michael Pavlinov, Vladimir Parahnevich, the honored worker of culture of Byelorussia Lydia Katz-Lazareva and others are invited.
    Demonstration performances of finalists of the World championships are included in the program of actions and Europe the Minsk command формейшн "Univers". After solemn opening will pass two competitive branches – at 11.00 and 15.30, and in the evening - at 18.30 - the celebratory concert «In rhythms of a spring tango» will take place. Cost of tickets: 5 000 - 10 000 BYR.
  • 6 April 2011
    From April, 6 till April, 9th, 2011 in National exhibition center «Belexpo» (Minsk, street J.Kupaly, 27) there will pass 14 international spring fair of tourist services «REST-2011» . In the program of an exhibition of presentation, round tables, seminars on the most actual problems of tourist branch. At fair each interested person can familiarize with offers of the Belorussian and foreign travel agencies, choose vacation spot in this summer. Exhibition subjects:

  • Travel (seasonal rest; business rounds; children's rest; cruises; educational rounds);
  • Excursion programs;
  • Transport services;
  • Sports stock;
  • Insurance in tourism;
  • Sanatoria, boarding houses, rest houses, tourist clubs;
  • Hotel service;
  • the Goods for rest and sports;
  • more
  • Since 7 April Pruzhany will accept a final stage of republican competitions among children and teenagers on hockey "The gold washer" in the senior age group (14-15 years) on prizes of the President of Belarus.

    Solemn ceremony of opening of final tournament will take place on 7 April in the Ice palace in Pruzhany at 15.00. The winner of competitions becomes known on 9 April. Winners of the competition will receive cups and medals from the hands of the famous Belarusian hockey players. Young players will have a chance to get on a note to trainers and to receive the invitation to be engaged in hockey professionally in specialized sports establishments on hockey.

    Action will take place to the address: Pruzhany, Zavodskaya str, 15.

  • 7 April 2011
    In the evening and in the night from 7 to April, 8th in Minsk in club Reactor at the address Horuzhei str., 29 you will have the opportunity to feel the atmosphere of joy and brotherhood which create a well-known and favorite musical group:Джамбiбум, нагУаль, MetaDub, Даб Ровар, TekaDUM, Bez.Not and headlining a concert group PAPRIKA KORPS (Warsaw), for more than ten-year history recorded seven albums and singles, released his unconventional weighted sound that still remains in the clear style of good old reggae.
    Tickets cost from 25 to 50 thousand BLR.
  • 8 April 2011
    In Minsk April 8 in the sport complex Minsk-Arena on Pobediteley avenue, 111 will friendly hockey match between Belarus and the Czech Republic. This will be the first ever match the national team in the sport complex Minsk-Arena. Admission from 10 to 50 000 BLR.
  • On Saturday 9th of April, 2011 year in the item the World on the area at поселкового council with 10.00 till 10.15 and in Nesvizhe on Ratushnoj of the area from 10.00 till 10.15 will take place Opening ceremony of the Republican sports holiday of the item the Mir - Nesvizh 2011

    The schedule of competitions
  • 10.00 — solemn opening of competitions in the item the Mir.
  • 10.00 — solemn opening of competitions in Nesvizhe.

  • Cup of Belarus and republican competitions on sports walking (Nesvizh)
  • 10.20 — men of 35 km; men of 20 km; juniors of 10 km.
  • 12.15 — women of 20 km; juniors 10 km.

  • Track and field athletics run and walking (distance overcoming) Mir Castle Complex – Ratushnaja the area of Nesvizha, a distance of 31 km of 800 m (start in the item the Mir finish of Nesvizhe).
  • 10.30 – start

  • Track and field athletics run (Mir starts) a distance of 10 km:
  • 10.30 — start
  • more
  • 10 April 2011

    On April, 10th in the Big concert hall of Belgosfilarmonii the organ music concert at 19:00 will take place. One of the best organists of the world – Frenchman Alain Bove – will decorate with the concert an author\\\\\\\'s cycle of the musicologist of Olga Savitsky “Masterpieces world органного arts”. The native of Normandy, the pupil of well-known Andre Marshana, since 1990 титулярный the organist of the Cathedral Saint-Etienne in Caen, Alain Bove with success goes on tour in Europe, the USA and Canada.

    Programs of its concerts are so colourful, various and technically difficult, and execution of the music picked up to these programs so irreproachably and absolutely that all responses about concerts of the organist merge in uniform “Gallantly!” Everywhere, where it acted. In Minsk Alain Bove will present I.S.Baha\\\\\\\'s music, and also the French composers, whose names not so often meet in cycle posters – L.Lefebr-Velli, Z.Langle, Z.Alen. And still the greatest interest in the program declared by the organist causes «Symphonie-Passion» – technically improbably complex, masterly product of one of the famous organists of the XX-th century of Marseilles Djupre.

  • 10 April 2011

    From 9 to 10 april the exhibition of cats, dated to the birthday «FELITA», will take place in Minsk.

    The program will be scheduled show of thoroughbred british shorthair cats of various colors, sphynxes, peterbalds, siberian and neva masquerade cats, persian, oriental, siamese cats, etc. Also you will find all breeds show of black cats and cats of all colors.

    Address: Minsk, the Republican Palace of Youth, Starovilenskij tract, 41.

  • 13 April 2011

    Exhibition «Brest. Unity-2011» will take place on the 13-16th April, 2011 in Brest.

    It has been organized in the regional center of Belarus for the 13th time. For years this action which has both cultural, and business program, has turned to the largest in Brest.

  • 14 April 2011
    International Festival of Advertising and Marketing "White Square» will be held from April 14 to 16 in Minsk at the address - st. Kalvarijskaia 25-600. This is a business forum where representatives of business and advertising agency gather together. There are determined by the best companies in the field of advertising and marketing and identifies priorities and trends for next year.

    The festival program consists of several blocks passing simultaneously for 3 days.

    The format of the festival contributes to the establishment of useful business contacts, gaining experience in successful advertising campaigns, creating and promoting brands to obtain information about innovative techniques in the field of advertising and marketing, developed and implemented in Belarus and abroad.

  • 15 April 2011

    C 15 to April 17, 2011 at the National Exhibition Centre « Belekspo» (Ave winners, 14) will international specialized exhibition «Wedding Shop».

  • 15 April 2011
    On April, 15th in Minsk will pass festival of bagpipes "Dudarski Festival". This is the only event in Eastern Europe, dedicated dude. At the festival music of all styles will be presented - from traditional folk to rock music.
    And at this year's celebration in Minsk volynochniki from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Bulgaria and New Zealand will take part . Made by both professionals and amateurs.
    Duda (bagpipe) for many centuries has been the most mythologized traditional instrument of Belarusians (ancient Lithuanians). Since the late 80-ies of XX century Belarus expands the motion for the return of the Belarusian bagpipes.
  • 16 April 2011
    The tennis match play-off for progress to World group II FedCup between women's teams of Belarus and Estonia will pass in Minsk in the Palace of Sport during the period from April, 16 till April, 17th, 2011. This one of the major events in female Belorussian tennis in 2011. The best tennis players of republic will act for the Belorussian command.
    It will be traditional to consist a match of 5 rubbers - 4 single and one double. For a victory it is necessary to win not less than in 3 rubbers. The winner of a match will progress to World group II in 2012.
  • 18 April 2011
    On April, 18th within the limits of the International Day of monuments and historical places for two days in Minsk and other Belarusian cities will pass excursions of various subjects.

    In our country this holiday is especially actual. The theme of festival has appeared enough unusual – "water", i.e. artificial reservoirs and constructions on coast of the rivers, lakes.

    This year organizers "Festival of guides" would like to invite as much as possible regional specialists, teachers, guides, employees of museums, public organizations and regional departments of culture that these days they have shared the knowledge on stories of the native places with other people to participation.

  • 18 April 2011
    From 2 to 7 of May an international forum of student choirs «Paparats-Kvetka - 2011» will host in sport «Brigantine», Radoshkovichy, Minsk region. The forum is attended by the best student teams in Belarus, as well as near and far abroad. It is organized by the Belarusian State University.

    Words, music and song - the cornerstones of culture, they ennoble the human soul, penetrate into the concealed its corners. Personality development - perhaps this is the most important, the most significant goal of creativity!

  • 19 April 2011

    From 19 to 23 April 2011 the international specialized exhibition «Flowers. Seeds. Garden» will take place in Minsk.

    Once again the exhibition will bring together professional horticulturists, florists, industry professionals, and anyone for whom the nursery work the garden is a hobby or leisure time. It will be presented flowers and equipment for trade flowers, garden greenhouse equipment, as well as landscape design, interior design, books and magazines on gardening.

    Adress: Minsk, Pobeditelej prospect, 14, National exhibition center «BelExpo».

  • 22 April 2011
    From 22 to 24 April a traditional tourist town meeting «Snowdrop 2011» will be, which is open to all comers. «Snowdrop» will take place in the 39 th time and will be held in the station. Golynets (Mogilev region), on the river Lahve. The current rally is dedicated to the 70 th anniversary of the city's defense of Mogilev from Nazi invaders in World War II. In the program - competition for sports and relay-race orienteering, overcoming obstacle course, boating equipment, etc.; contests patriotic songs and travel, photography, ecology and tourism of everyday life, history quiz.
  • 26 April 2011
    From April, 26 till April, 29th, 2011 in the Football arena (the avenue of Pobeditelej, 20/2) will pass annual review of world and domestic achievements in the field of communication, telecommunications, the software, bank technologies, office technics and consumer electronics — XVIII International exhibition and the congress «TIBO-2011» . It is the exhibition largest in republic on telecommunications, information and bank technologies. Annually exhibition and congress "TIBO-2011" which naturally name «a mirror of the market telecommunication and information technology», visit more than 30000 experts.
    Workers of telecommunications agencies and other enterprises and the organizations specializing on working out and use of information technology, have an opportunity every year to familiarize with the advanced technical and software, tendencies of development of all sectors of information sphere. Demonstration in operation information technology promotes their wide application in all branches of economy, social sphere, the government.
  • 27 April 2011

    The international exhibition of motor-vehicles, autospare parts, the equipment and car-care center AUTOTECHEXPO-2011 will take place in National exhibition center «Belekspo» from 27 till 29 April, 2011. The action subjects cover a wide range of questions - from working out before manufacture, operation, repair and car service.
    The purpose of exhibition - demonstration of achievements of the Belorussian and foreign manufacturers of motor transport, creation of favorable conditions for expansion of mutually advantageous cooperation, attraction of investments into large-scale projects and introduction of the newest technologies.

    The Exhibition will pass to the address: NEC «Belekspo», Pobeditelej avenue, 14.

  • 28 April 2011
    From 28 to 29 april 2011 the exhibition «Gardening - Spring 2011» will take place in Minsk.

    The exhibition will bring together professional horticulturists, industry professionals, and anyone for whom working in the garden are a hobby or a way of carrying out of free time. The exhibition will be presented seeds and seedlings, plant protection, gardening tools.

    Adress: Minsk, Chkalova str, 7, Palace of culture and sports of the railwaymen.

  • 29 April 2011
    Action «Guides festival» will take place in Minsk from 29 april to 1 may 2011 within the limits of celebrating of International Day of monuments and historical places.

    Within the limits of festival about 30 free excursions will be spent in Minsk and in regional centers of Belarus (Vitebsk, Grodno, Polock, Lida, Novogrudok, Tolochin, Krevo, Mir, Kopyl). Professional guides, teachers of history, researchers of the historical periods will lead these excursions. Excursions will be spent also in English and German languages for foreign visitors.

  • 30 April 2011
    On April 30 this year, Minsk turn into a veritable museum of legendary cars. Аn official opening ceremony of the 4-th International Festival «BOSCH - Retro Minsk 2011» will be near the National Library of Belarus аt 11.00. Collectors from Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Russian Federation and other countries will participate in the festival.

    Cars organized column vedut to the city from the north ... At 11:00 near the memorial to the "Victory Square" participants of the festival will honor the laying of wreaths in memory of those who fell defending our homeland from Nazi aggression during World War II.

  • 7 May 2011
    the 7th of May, 2011 in a mountain-skiing complex «Logojsk» will pass the International festival «Victory Salute». On the threshold of a great holiday spectators will see grandiose parade of fireworks, military-historical show and a concert of the national stage!
    The spectator will have an opportunity to plunge into a military epoch, to see a life, clothes and battles of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War and in end to get acquainted with actors and the best teams of fireworkers of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.
  • On May, 8th, 2011 on the basis of a cultural-sports complex «Minsk-arena» (the avenue of Рobeditelej-111) will take place the open championship of the UIR on cycling on a track . On May, 7th there will pass open training for participants of competitions with 17.00-18.30. Solemn opening of action is planned for May, 11.00 8th. In the program:
  • Individual race of prosecution on 2км
  • Sprint
  • Race with an elimination of the last
  • Race on points
  • more
  • 9 May 2011
    In Minsk the 9th of May, 2011 year will pass the actions devoted to celebrating to a Victory Day the Soviet people In the Great Patriotic War.
    The company of a guard of honor, model orchestra of Armed forces, orchestra of Military commandant's office will take part in actions. On the Victory area celebratory procession of veterans and putting on of wreaths and colors to a monument will take place.
    Festivals and entertaining programs will pass:
    • at sports Palace;
    • in Victory park;
    • in Minsk a zoo;
    • in park of Grekovoj;
    • in square on the prospectus of Ljubimova;
    • on лыжероллерной to a line in the street Stoletova;
    • in park of Cheljuskintsev;
    • at a fountain in parkway of V.Muljavina;
    • in park of the 60 anniversary of October and other city platforms.
    In the Evening in a Victory Day the Ministry of Defence will organize celebratory salute which will begin at 22.00.
  • 11 May 2011
    From 11 to 13 May 2011 will take place 12-th international specialized exhibition "Lesdrevtech-2011" in Minsk at the exhibition complex Belekspo the address: Minsk, Pobediteley, 14.
    It will be presented techniques and technologies for cultivation and logging, energy-saving equipment, machinery and technologies for furniture and joinery production, various forest products.
  • 14 May 2011
    May 14 will be the legendary German electronic music festival - MAYDAY . At the Minsk-Arena more than 10 000 people will touch the legend, the more so that the organizers promise the most to embody the atmosphere of this festival, celebrating its twentieth anniversary this year.
    MAYDAY festival was founded in 1991, and is considered by many music industry experts, the best tehnofestivalem in the world. For 20 years, MAYDAY attracts tens of thousands of fans in many countries. Despite its mass, MAYDAY has been and remains a festival focused only on the most fashionable, the actual music. MAYDAY opened the world's names such as Moby, The Prodigy, Timo Maas, Marusha.
    Сoncept MAYDAY - nothing more: a powerful sound, fantastic light and the most famous names. All performances of the Belarusian MAYDAY will fully implement a team of German light-and sound-artists.
  • 17 May 2011
    In May, 17th, 2011 at 20.00 in the Minsk Palace of Sports the concert of the main voice of musical Notre-Dame de Paris Bruno Pelletier will take place. The owner of the whole collection of the award "Felix", the threefold winner in nominations «Singer of year», the Gold Voice of Quebec, a star of musicals "Drakula" and «Notre-Dame de Paris» - Bruno Pelletier ranks today with the most outstanding actors of the generation, and the voice by right is considered it one of the most beautiful in the world. His career is full of abrupt turns, creative decisions are extravagant, and roles repeatedly changed. The rocker, the jazzman, the pop singer, a star of musicals - it has no habit long to be late on something one.
  • 19 May 2011
    On May, 19th, 2011 in the city of Minsk (Pobeditelej avenue, the football arena) 7th republican competition of welders will pass. This program action of the Belorussian industrial forum-2011. The competition purpose - propagation of new achievements in the field of welding technologies, the welding equipment, welding materials, equipment and the tool of the welder, perfection of school of the higher welding skill of welders of Belarus, revealing of the best experts of welding business.
    Winners of competition are the professional welders who presented by participants of competition for performance of the task on welding of competitive samples in one or several nominations of competition and have received the higher competitive estimation of jury of organizing committee of competition in the given nomination.
    Competition nominations:
  • The mechanized welding in mixes of active gases MIG (CO2, Ar+CO2);
  • Argonodugovaja welding;
  • Manual arc welding.

  • Winners of competition are awarded by diplomas and costly presents. more
  • 21 May 2011
    The fifth anniversary Oriental Dance Festival «Gold monista-2011» will be in Novopolotsk from 21 to 22 May 2011.

    On May, 22nd (Sunday) master classes from Professionals of the Belorussian League of Dance are planned. The skill will share with you Jasmin (Elena Grinchik), Tatyana Chernjavsky (Najla) and Vitaly Molchan. Master classes will be interesting both a beginner, and executors of high level. Preliminary themes of master classes:

  • Jasmin – classical statement;
  • Vitaly – style saidi, statement;
  • Najla - oriental song.
  • more
  • 22 May 2011
    The club comic stand-up concert by Alexander A. Revva, artist, entertainer, and recently also a singer, star of the Moscow Comedy Club was first held May, 22 in Minsk at the club Moulin Rouge Show at the address Kalvariyskaya street 1. A special guest of the program - Andrei Rozhkov will make along with him.
    The concert begins at 21.00. Ticket prices ranging from 150 000- 450 000 BLR.
  • 25 May 2011
    9-th International Specialized Exhibition DESIGN FORMAT will be in Minsk at the National Exhibition Centre Belexpo at Yanka Kupala str., 27 from 25 to May, 28th.
    The purpose of the annual exhibition design DESIGN FORMAT 2011 - to demonstrate the latest trends in contemporary design, to acquaint visitors with the leading designers and their creations, the companies that are successfully operating as the Belarusian market, and on request of foreign clients, as well as educational institutions that prepare new professionals.
  • 26 May 2011

    From May, 26 till May, 30th in Minsk in Modern art galleries on the Pobeditelej avenue, 37a Michael Gulina's exhibition: «the Exhibition Not children's drawing» will pass .

    At an exhibition two groups of products which are exhibited at two spatial zones are presented: «Minimal Seхual» and «Children's demonology».

    Michael Gulin combines in the creativity specific wit and straightforwardness. Its three through positions: aspiration to call into all into question (and first of all adequacy of own public), humour and love to contextual games. All this, increased by its interest to disputable, provocative zones and on its boldness, gives simply poisonous explosive mix. In personal «to the Exhibition NOT children's drawing» Gulin addresses again to a theme of mass media and analyzes mechanisms, laws and rituals which define today дистрибьюцию and рецепции the visual information.

    On May, 26th at 19 o'clock — an input on invitation. Since May, 27th an input paid, till 18 years the input is forbidden persons.

  • 27 May 2011

    Exhibition-fair «Wedding Gomel»
    is dedicated to tendencies of a wedding and evening fashion and also provides services to registration and carrying out of celebrations, music underneath of holidays, floristics, photo and video shooting. Belorussian and foreign collections from leading manufacturers and fashion houses will be presented at the exhibition.

    Location: Gomel, Lange str., 17.

  • 28 May 2011
    On May, 28th, 2011 tournament «Dancing marathon» on bellydance, bollywood and a flamenco among children and adults will pass in a city of Grodno to the address the street Popovicha 5. The organizer of the given competition is the school of east dance of «Najla».
    To participation in tournament all wishing dancers of any international dancing organizations as agreed with the national representatives are supposed. In a semi-final each participant executes a solo variation under own music.
    All participants will receive memorable diplomas. In each nomination solo 1 place receives costly presents from organizers of festival. All prize-winners of each nomination receive costly presents from festival and organizing committee partners.
  • 31 May 2011
    31 May 2011 «The parade of blondes» will pass in Minsk, dated for the World day of blondes.

    Blondes will leave on the streets of Minsk to illuminate the world their light, to please townspeople of their beauty, light and kindness and also to give balloons to all passers-by together with smiles and fine mood. Also will pass competition «The most beautiful blonde of the country» and winner becomes the official face of the «The parade of blondes 2011».

  • 1 June 2011
    On June, 1st, 2011, in Children's day, in a concert hall «Minsk» will take place a concert «In life protection!» . The action is organized already in the seventh time and wants to raise a voice in protection of not born children. In a concert will take part, among other, the participant of children's «Eurovision-2010» Daniel Kozlov and known Belorussian executor Alexander Patlis.
    Within the limits of the action delivery of diplomas and awards to winners of competition «the World with dream» will take place. Solemn ceremony will be accompanied by creative numbers, presentations and videoclips. The premiere of a small thematic theatrical performance becomes one of main events.
  • 3 June 2011
    3-5 June 2011 The international motofestival of extreme sports «Wolf Trails» will take place in Bobruisk.

    Beginning of the festival will serve as a colorful concerts and entertainment shows with famous singers and rock bands, as well as a parade of fireworks, laser animation, fire show and a disco till morning.

    The purpose of the festival is the promotion of healthy lifestyles, mototouristik and motorsports in Belarus.

    Address: extreme sports park, Bobruisk, Mogilev region.
  • 4 June 2011
    The exhibition of insert rodents and lagomorphs «Letnіya slyadochkі» will take place in Minsk on 4-5 June 2011.

    The exhibition will feature decorative mice and rats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits. The program of exhibitions - various competitions and awards, zooviktorina, a photo contest and drawings, the competition for best design house of animal, etc.

    Adress: Minsk, Yanka Kupala str, 27, National Exhibition Centre «BelExpo».
  • 4 June 2011
    On June, 4th, 2011 near Minsk in airdrome "Borovaya" the sixth festival «Rock for Bоbrov» will traditionally take place. This time all admirers of a qualitative rock music are expected by travel to time: from origin of fate and up to now. Visitors of festival become witnesses of performance «Mummies Troll» and «Gorky Park».
    Except foreign singers at festival the Belorussian musicians will act: «Zhnjuv», «Mayoma», «No comment band», «Unia», «Tok Rukoo», «The Fantastiques», the Lithuanian group «The pitchpuller».
  • 11 June 2011
    on June, 11th 2011 year in agrotourist manors "Shabli" (Volozhin of the Minsk region) Will pass «the Concert on a grass».

    «The Concert on a grass» is at all a concert, and the whole minifestival. It is planned that groups "Krambambulya" with the new program "Drabadz_-Drabada" and «J:Морс» will act this time With the new program «it is a lot of sky».

  • 12 June 2011
    The concert of genius of music, DJ Moby will be in Minsk at the sports complex Minsk-Arena in June, 12. Richard Melville Hall (Moby) - Six-time nominated for a Grammy, winner of «Billboard music Awards». His work does not fit into a certain framework, Moby as "dress" any tune different sounds that include his work in any particular direction is impossible. This person has created a completely new style.

    Moby will perform in Minsk as part of their world tour in support of their new album «Destroyed».

    The concert begins at 20.00

  • Current events