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The rite of invocation of spring «Chyrachka»
The rite of invocation of spring «Chyrachka»
One of the most interesting rituals included in the list of historical and cultural values of the Republic of Belarus, in which
you can participate. The «Chyrachka» rite is called – from the name of small river ducks: people believed
that they bring spring on their wings.
The rite was included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus in 2016.
It is held in the agro-town of Tonezh on the last day of Shrovetide Week and is a distinctive ethnic feature of the inhabitants of the Turov region.
The rite got its name from small ducks – «teal» – which bring spring on their wings. Cookies in the form of these birds are distributed by the participants of the ceremony to the oncoming. They all go together to the Chernichev Mountains, the highest place in the vicinity, where they lay out a bonfire and burn a doll on it-«winter«, they call spring and «chyrachka-ptushachka« («teal-bird») with spring songs. There they also lead round dances, treat themselves to ritual dishes, swing from the mountain, and on the highest tree they fix a decorated Christmas tree – a symbol of spring. The ritual actions are performed by the girls with the help of older women – this is mainly the folk folklore collective «Tanyazhanka» and its companion – the children's ensemble «Veras».
Location: Gomel region, Lelchitsky district, Tonezh agro-town
Time: February 26, 2023