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Festival of medieval culture «Rubon 2014»
Festival of medieval culture «Rubon 2014»
From 23rd till 25th May2014 the Festival of medieval culture «Rubon 2014» will be held in Polotsk.
The name of the festival comes from the ancient battle cry of the soldiers of Polotsk land, when they were going to attack.
The fest is held since 2008. For the first time it was held in front of the Upper Castle and was timed to coincide with the celebration of 1146 anniversary of Polotsk. The celebration was attended by more than 20 historical reconstruction clubs of Belarus, as well as groups playing folk music of the Middle Ages. Over the years the Fest has established itself as one of the business cards of the town over the Dvina, and the number of participants has increased - the clubs from other countries (Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia) joined Belarusian enactors.
In 2014, the medieval city will stay near the walls of the ancient Sofia. This year's festival will have a wide-ranging nature. The event concept expressed three components - a medieval original culture, national cultural heritage, a wealth of museum exhibitions.
The program includes tournaments of knights, men at arms and archers on the early and developed Middle Ages rules, ancient games with the audience. The exciting performance of bugurts (team fights of periods XIII-XVI and IX-XII centuries) will leave no one indifferent. THe craftsmen - blacksmiths, potters, gunsmiths, weavers, jewelers - will present their skill and You can buy products at the fair. Everyone can take part in master classes on traditional medieval crafts, enjoy medieval cuisine, listen to the unique medieval music, ride horses.
Excursion to the capital of the ancient Slavic principality of Polotsk