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«Organic Party» - «Green Walking round»

«Organic Party» - «Green Walking round»

«Organic Party» - «Green Walking round»

Zelva , National holiday 13 September 2014

September 13 at the Manor «Veres» in Zelvenskiy district will take a holiday dedicated to the development of rural tourism in view of the environmental aspects and social responsibility. «Organic party» – this is one of the many events dedicated to environmental conditions, respect for the environment, respect for tradition, rejection of irrepressible consumption and lots more. Place for a holiday not chosen by chance. «Veres» – this is one of the most famous manors, and, most importantly, the first in the country manor-farm, the owners of which were trailblazers of rural tourism in Belarus.

At the festival is supposed to several thematic blocks:

  • «Eat organic!» – this means eating tasty, ecologically clean food, using traditional recipes and cooking techniques, eat slowly, enjoying the food! «Slow food», not «fastfood»!
  • «Work organic!» – this means build a house in view of green technologies, use eco-friendly materials, take into account energy efficiency, economical use water, use alternative energy sources. Do not apply fertilizer and pesticides in agriculture, biodiversity maintenance, etc..
  • «Rest organic!» – agroecotourism - this is a wonderful opportunity to relax in nature and in harmony with nature. This walk in the woods, and biking, and horseback riding. Guests of farmsteads acquainted with traditional way of life, crafts, customs, folklore, food. And most importantly - to communicate with the local population - native of Belarusian culture.

The celebration will be attended by producers of food, artisans, sellers of organic food, green homes builders, etc. Do not do without songs and dances. And, most importantly, will be held workshops and training sessions on important themes in agriturismo: clean, honest and tasty food; energy-saving technologies; ekostandartam in construction; enforcement of environmental legislation in the tourism and others. All offers master classes from cooks, artisans and folklore! And for the little guests of the event prepared a special entertainment program!