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XXII International theater festival «Belaya Vezha»

XXII International theater festival «Belaya Vezha»

XXII International theater festival «Belaya Vezha»

Brest , Festival 8 - 16 September 2017

From 8 to 16 September 2017 be held in Brest XXII International theater festival «Belaya Vezha».

Annual International theatrical festival «Belaya Vezha» has been held since 1996 and has its aim to represent national art theaters around the world, the theaters, promoting classical tradition and modern means of theatrical expression. Brest Festival is an excellent opportunity to present not only for well-known directors and actors, musicians and artists, but also for young talented actors, who would like to present their creative works to the audience.

Location:Brest Regional Academic Drama Theater, Brest city
Time: From 8 to 16 September, 2017

Individual and corporate excursions - Brest