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All tours Belarus: Ethnographic

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Theme tours

  • In the center of Belarus is located its capital - Minsk. The best masters keep it sacred the ancient Belarusian technologies, crafts, recipes - you will see it at Dudutki. You will see and one of the most beautiful castles in Europe - the Mir Castle. Atmosphere of the medieval city will meet you Nesvizh, the Nyasvizh palace will delight the royal luxury. The indelible mark in the fate of the country was left by the Great Patriotic War, the memory of the tragedy is stored in the Brest Fortress. Belarus is a fascinating story, against the backdrop of a pristine nature, you will see it in the National Park Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  • Strochitsy

    1 reviews
    • Duration: 5 hours
    To know the country and its people better, to get acquainted with national traditions and tenor of life of local population - visit the place where these traditions are still alive. The Belarusian state museum of national architecture and life – excellent option of a fascinating travel to the past of the Belarusian rural life. The only museum Skansen in Belarus – the whole village from monuments of architecture of the 17-20th centuries. The village with its inhabitants in national suits, with traditional entertainments and music, with unique traditional interiors.
  • War - these are those events which it is necessary to remember. Remember that didn't repeat. We suggest to gain about them an extensive impression in a modern complex of the Belarusian state museum of history of the Great Patriotic War. You will pass a temporary chain of pre-war days before post-war restoration of the republic, you will be able to see 140 000 exhibits, many of which have no analogs in the world, to look at military equipment, a photo and documents. And you will be able to see a striking example of a complex of defensive works in the Historical and cultural complex «Stalin's Line» - unique the project in the CIS.
  • To him more 1000. He is a contemporary of Polotsk and Turov, Novgorod and Smolensk. Ancient Zaslavl... Exactly here for attempt of murder of the spouse, Kiev prince Vladimir, the proud Polotsk princess Rogneda with the son Izyaslav has been banished, I have adopted Christianity and has founded the first in Eastern Europe Christian monastery here. Two majestic ancient settlements, ancient temples and the unique museums store gray-haired history of the city. We suggest also you to get acquainted with it.
  • Kupala land Vyazynka

    • Duration: 8 hours
    Yanka Kupala is a defender of popular interests and national revival, a classic of Belarusian literature and a true symbol of the nation. This is a poet whose creativity stirred the consciousness of people. Many museums tell about his life today. We suggest you go to Vazyanka - the place where the Belarusian classic was born. Once there, you will undoubtedly understand where the inspiration of Yanka came from: the atmosphere of charming nature, the age-old trees, the pond and history: the history of Kupala, the history of poetry, the history of culture of the whole people.
  • There are river station, cozy paved small streets, fancy lamps and refined multi-colored houses… The large factories work, people run on sidewalks, motor ships float according to river Pina even so romantic and measured mood of the city. As in the times of Bon Sforza. Yes, Bon Sfortsa was princess of Milan and queen Polish. She was the wife of the king Rechi of Pospalitoy Stefan Batory. She owned the city in the XII century. Pinsk developed rapidly by virtue of Bon Sfortsa. But the "Golden Age" of the city of Pinsk became in the XIXth century. Pinsk became the trade and craft center of the region. You will see ancient structures and temples, jesuit seminary, the palace and the underground castle.
  • An excursion along the route Krevo - Golshany - GrandMilk cheese factory offers a unique combination of historical sights and gastronomic experiences. You will visit ancient castles and learn about the traditions of cheese making in Belarus.
  • As people, as the cities or places - so roads have the history. They as if arteries for centuries penetrate the earth. On them kings and emperors, writers and artists, farmers and handicraftsmen, mail carriers and messengers followed – on them we follow today. We suggest to go to a way on main "highway" of Grand Duchy of Lithuania – The Starovilensky way. As well as 9 centuries ago it originates in Minsk - the modern Belarusian capital, and conducts in Vilno – the skilled capital of the great state Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The bewitching atmosphere and history of the Belarusian places against the background of the virginal nature – not to have eyes glued!
  • The tour gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with the oldest protected forest in Europe, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tourists from all over the world come here to breathe in the air of the age-old forest, to see the majestic bison, bears and other animals - not only in aviaries, but also in the forest, while walking along a reserved path. A trip to the Manor of Belarusian Santa Claus will take you to another reality, where there is no place for everyday life and worries.
  • Rakov - the town is quite more ancient, his first mention belongs to the XIVth century. It is difficult to imagine that at the beginning of the XXth century of Cancers had glory of "the capital of smugglers", near it there passed the frontier. Intrigues, skirmishes, noise of infinite number of taverns and cabaret didn't cease till the morning. But it is worth being transferred to 25 km further and you in "capital" of potter's skill. Ivenets has begun to write the history since the XIVth century, being the settlement of the grand duke Vitovt. The town will be glad to open before you gate of ancient temples and estates, tombs and crypts, secrets and life of the Belarusian places. And the estate "World of Bees" will reveal secrets of an ancient bortnichestvo and modern beekeeping.
  • Orsha - the city with thousand-year history which is stored tremblingly by ruins of monasteries and temples, the operating shrines. Walk across Orsha is a walk in the past - the special atmosphere is inherent in this city. The graceful complex of the Jesuit kollegium will tell about Napoleone and Stendhal lodging here, about eminent graduates - it is one of the best educational institutions of the time. Legendary Rogvolodov the stone and the homeland of the abc-book, a water mill museum and the 100-year Stone Bridge will reflect breath of centuries. In the second half of day you are waited by acquaintance to creativity of literary classics of the Belarusian earth - Janka Kupaly and Vladimir Korotkevich.
  • "Gomel – Vetka" – a nonrandom combination, for fans of "special" travel. Why? After the excursion you with confidence will be able to answer this question. Gomel - the city with the person and character, with special taste and style, the Branch - one of the best museums of folk art with a unique collection.
  • Perhaps, the most famous Belarusian in the world, the national hero of the USA and Poland, the honourable citizen of France. His name is carried by one of the districts of State of Indiana, the highest mountain in Australia, islands on Alaska, the city in the State of Mississippi, streets in the Polish and Belarusian cities, in the world more than 200 monuments are established and the set of publications and books is written. In what Tadeusz Kosciusko's merit? On a travel to home Kostyushki, at visit of his estate in Merechevshchina and temples in Kosovo you waits for a set of opening and the surprising facts. The excursion at one of the most beautiful palaces of Belarus - palace of Puslovsky.
  • «From heroes of former times, didn't remain time of names. Those who have accepted mortal battle Became just the earth, a grass... Only their terrible valor has lodged in the hearts of live. This eternal flame, to us bequeathed by one, we store in a breast». In each family, the grief of military years has come into each house. In each heart there lives the memory of the heroes. This excursion passes across places of fighting of parts and connections there where the Belarusian offensive operation code-named Bagration, kind of towards to the coming troops of the 3rd Belarusian front began. And on the way - telling as it was, acquainting with the destinies scorched by war.
  • Charm of the villages mislaid in time, the mysteries of swamps, special architecture and a distinctive way of life, originality of lexicon and color of locals, surprising traditions and fascinating history - all this composes the Belarusian Polesia and an our excursion. The capital of the Belarusian Polesia - Pinsk that decorates the Belarusian lands since the XIth century, Logishin storing for us temples of the XIXth century, one of the most ancient settlements on Yaselda - Motol. Traveling around such cities, before you all patterns and paints of Polesia will open.
  • Old manor - the monuments of the past, has a significant place in the cultural and historical heritage of Belarus. As a rule, all estate and park complex belonged gentry family, the status of which is awarded for merit and achievement of a certain position. Once upon a time, along with churches and monasteries, manor houses were adorn the Belarusian land, the place where the assembled material and cultural values, where national identity was formed. Excursions will introduce you to the history and architecture of the manors of Minsk region, the life and work of their owners, the legends and mysteries of the Belarusian nobility.
  • Kossovo - Ruzhany

    1 reviews
    • Duration: 13 hours 30 min.
    200 years ago almost fifth part of the population of our country was made by people of local gentry. Up to now in Belarus numerous estates and palaces of notable representatives of the Belarusian lands have remained. The spirit of romanticism has impregnated the atmosphere of one of the most beautiful palaces of Belarus – Kosowski palace. Built with use of medieval technologies and unsurpassed English lawns he admires with volumes and greatness. Not less fine has built also the palace of the magnate, chancellor of Grand Duchy of Lithuania and one of authors of the Statute of VKL of 1588 Jan Sapegi in Ruzhany. Welcome to Local gentry!
  • Let's start by getting acquainted with the work of Frantisek Bogushevich - the founder of critical realism in Belarusian literature. Further we get acquainted with the amazing architecture of small towns. The Troitsky church in the village of Gerviaty is «little Switzerland», the church of Our Lady of Ruzhantsova, the church of St. Archangel Michael - all of them embody the most refined architectural styles of different eras. Majestic temples and great people - all this in one journey.
  • Dudutki

    34 reviews
    • Duration: 5 hours 30 min.
    Excursion to Dudutki from Minsk is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions of Belarusian life, crafts and cooking, visit craft workshops, and also get many vivid impressions without going far from the city. The museum complex is located only 40 kilometers from Minsk, so the road will take a minimum of time. The entire excursion lasts 5.5 hours, including the road, which makes it a convenient option for a short trip. During the excursion to Dudutki you will see the only working windmill in Belarus, learn the secrets of making bread, butter and traditional alcohol, and watch the work of craftsmen. The program will end with a tasting of fresh products: homemade bread, cheese, butter and local moonshine. Excursion to Dudutki from Minsk can be organized both as part of a group and individually for tourists or corporate groups. This is a convenient and profitable solution, as it allows you to adapt the route to the interests of the group and make the holiday as comfortable as possible.
  • Turov - one of the most ancient cities of Belarus which is often called the second Jerusalem. Possibly because in the ancient time, 75 churches worked in this small Belarusian town. Or matter in the stone crosses growing from the earth to which to bow pilgrims from all over the world gather? The sightseeing tour and to the archaeological museum will give answers to many questions. And in conclusion of a travel you will go to National park "Pripyat". You will be able to enjoy types and to admire untouched forests of the park. Besides, the small travel by motor ship can be according to your desire organized.
  • Pushkin, Ryleyev, Bestuzhev, Delwig, Vyazemsky admired his verses. He was born in the territory of present Belarus, I wrote in Polish, lived and worked in Europe, and has died in Turkey. However from everywhere soul pulled him home – on Novogrudchina where there will take place the excursion. Mickevicz was born in Zaosye at the end of the 18th century in a shlyakhetsky folvark which you visit. Further - ancient Novogrudok where have passed the childhood and Adam's youth, the house where he lived has remained. In the city the monument to the best poet of an era of romanticism is established and man-made Mound of Immortality where long time people carried the earth from different regions of the World is built.
  • The Grand Duchy of Sula has prepared new fun adventures for its guests, big and small! A New Year's animated quest awaits you, which is closely connected with the traditions of celebrating the New Year and Christmas. During the excursion program, you will meet Zyuzya, the Belarusian spirit of winter. It is he who decides whether the frosts will harm you or not. Visit the sorceress, get acquainted with traditional Christmas rituals and, of course, feel like real carolers! Become a participant in horse racing (hobyhorsing), enjoy the sound of an ancient harmonium. On your way you will meet the Angel, the Dragon, the Snake Queen and, of course, Saint Nicholas. Little guests will receive gifts from Saint Nicholas, and adult participants will be treated to a treat with the signature drink "Starka Zapolsky". After the excursion, you will also be able to ride a sleigh or a carriage, visit the puppet theater and other locations in the park.
  • City shaft and century temples, ruins of unapproachable fortresses and ancient monasteries... They store events which wrote history of great powers in the memory. They know what disturbs souls that wander in their walls at night. Mysticism and reality, history and the present, the past and the future Kreva, Zaslavlya, Golshan - what waits for you at this excursion.
  • The tour begins with a visit to Gomel - these are picturesque parks, temples and lush halls of the palace. And near the city, among the oldest settlements, in the town of Vetka, the museum of folk art and Old Believers, unbeknownst to the world, thanks to unique exhibits, hid. The second day will take you to where the memory of the people and the breath of the past centuries are stored in the powerful walls of monasteries and temples and in the museum of political repressions.
  • Minsk - Dudutki

    1 reviews
    • Duration: 8 hours 30 min.
    During the tour, Minsk will open its face to you: wide avenues and cozy streets, a variety of architectural ensembles and parks, as well as other features that form the "personality" of the Belarusian capital. In addition, you will visit the ethnographic complex of Dudutki - a place where the past and present meet, the measured life of an ancient gentry manor of the XIX century and the convenience of a modern tourist center. Here you will be pleased to offer an acquaintance with the way of the Pansky court, the work of masters, recreating the old technologies in action, the culinary heritage of our ancestors.
  • Visit Zjuzja Poozersky

    • Duration: 11 hours
    You always want to celebrate the New Year in some special way. We will help you feel the magic of the holiday and believe in miracles! Having visited Zyuzya Poozersky, you will get acquainted not only with Zyuzya, but also with such a character as Ded Bai. Participation in the festive event will allow you not only to meet these traditional New Year's characters, but also to get acquainted with the unusual inhabitants of the forest. In addition, it is also a way to immerse yourself in cultural traditions, folklore and legends that will enrich your understanding of the New Year holidays. The atmosphere of a fairytale forest symbolizes the transition to a world of wonders where everything is possible! This will create a unique setting for a non-trivial celebration that can leave vivid memories. The anticipation of a magical New Year tree and various surprises only adds to the magic of the event. The presence of characters such as Shatan, Bodyulya and others implies interactive activities, which makes it possible not only to observe, but also to actively participate in the holiday, filling you with unforgettable emotions and impressions. A riotous holiday awaits you with unprecedented fun and unexpected surprises, which will bring joy and create an atmosphere of trust and friendship!
  • Belarus is a country with a rich history and magnificent architecture, with pristine nature and colorful personalities. Among other things, an honorable place in this list is also occupied by an authentic cultural heritage. Near Minsk there is a complex where folk craftsmen keep sacredly ancient handicrafts and technologies - Dudutki. And in the ancient city of Slutsk many centuries ago the Radziwills founded a manufacturing factory for the famous and unique Slutsk belts.
  • Slonim is a city whose history is preserved by ancient temples and monasteries. It is a city that attracts to itself the beauty and comfort of the streets, which rise on the shore of Shchara and Issa. At every step here you will meet with the past. Due to the large number of attractions Slonim is compared to North Athens. And just 10 km from the city the place is truly amazing - the Zhirovichi Holy Assumption Monastery with the oldest miraculous icon and font.
  • Grodno region is a land of magnificent landscapes and castles, great rulers and scientists, poets and composers. Grodno is the residence of Lithuanian princes and Polish kings. It is conveniently located on the high banks of the Nemunas: picturesque landscapes combined with architectural works. Keeping the memory of past greatness and traditions, the castles and palaces of the city, the "Korobchitsy" complex, will cordially greet you.
  • Really to like identity of the Belarusian culture and traditions, it is necessary to go to the place where they arose. One of them – ancient Zaslavl. You will visit two most ancient ancient settlements and will touch walls of centuries-old temples. There are attention and examples of fortification numbering one thousand years. You can compare them to modern – to the place there will be a visit of grandiose system of strengthenings of times of the II World war - Stalin's Lines.
  • You will discover the secrets of the oldest protected forest in Europe - Belovezhskaya Pushcha. You will visit the place where Belarus took the first blow of the Second World War - in the Brest Fortress. Khatyn will tell about the tragedy of the villages burned in the war. You will be welcomed by the Belarusian capital - Minsk. In the world of ancient Belarusian crafts and technologies will transfer the museum complex Dudutki. The town of Mir and the medieval giant - Mir Castle - will show how the Belarusian gentry lived.
  • In the heart of the country there is a beautiful city, with spacious avenues and ancient streets - the city of Minsk. And Dudutki is impressed with ancient Belarusian crafts and technologies, a unique collection of cars and the embodiment of ancient recipes in the products you will try. What did the inhabitants of the Belarusian townships in the Middle Ages tell you the town of Mir and the medieval giant - Mir Castle. In addition, you will visit the legendary city of Belarus - the capital of the "uncrowned kings" of the Radziwills - Nesvizh.
  • You will get acquainted with the capital of Belarus, and its largest city - Minsk. His monumental post-war architecture in harmony with the monuments of the Middle Ages and modern buildings, avenues and noise - with the comfort of the old streets. You will visit the museum complex "Dudutki" where every day in front of the story comes to life. Finally touch on the history of the war years in the memorial dedicated destroyed together with the inhabitants of the village, and the Glory Mound - a monument of Liberation "Land under White Wings".
  • Choosing such a tour you will visit the capital of the country - in the city of Minsk. Its rich past and rapidly developing modernity are impressive, and the streets of the Old City, with many shops and cafes, attract coziness and special color. It is worth learning about the country's culture - the ancient Belarusian traditions and crafts are sacredly preserved by craftsmen in Dudutki. The priceless architectural heritage of the city of Grodno - one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. And near - the treasury of the Belarusian nature and agrotourism - Korobchitsy.
  • A tour of the city of Minsk will be opened. Through the city, which was destroyed every time, but every time it was rebuilt and rebuilt. However, there are settlements burnt to the ground during the war, they dedicated a large memorial complex Khatyn, and the joy of victory is dedicated to the mound of glory. Further the road will lead to Brest - the only one where the most recognizable person is the lantern, because he lights the lanterns here every day. In Brest, guests are also attracted by the memorial, which keeps the memory of the first day of the war - Brest Hero Fortress. A symbol of the country are bison - majestic animals you will see in the secular forests of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  • In this tour, you will be able to get acquainted with the main aspects that are worth knowing when coming to Belarus. Minsk will tell about its past and present, history and architecture. With the ancient Belarusian crafts and recipes will introduce you folk craftsmen in Dudutki. With the coziness of the pedestrian streets of Belarusian cities and with their amazing traditions you will meet in Brest. In the Brest Fortress you will learn about the courage of the war years and the first day of the war. And Belovezhskaya Pushcha will let you breathe the fresh air of the oldest nature reserve in Europe and see its inhabitants in numerous enclosures, among which the owners of the local forests are bison.
  • A small and informative journey near Minsk with an echo of the war years. Minsk is the capital of Belarus and the country's largest city. He is ready to open to you his special features and unique sights. Many of them are post-war times, because during the war the city suffered a lot. The whole village was burned with the inhabitants - one of them is Khatyn, the memory of which is kept by the memorial complex. A mound of glory keeps the joy of victory. In the complex Stalin's Line you will see the largest collection of military equipment in the CIS. And finally we will return to the Belarusian history and go to one of the most ancient cities - Zaslavl.
  • The tour begins in Grodno, a city that has preserved the legacy of the past and two medieval castles. Further you will visit Korobchitsy - a complex with national cuisine and crafts. We will continue in the oldest reserve in Europe - Belovezhskaya Pushcha, where powerful bisons live. Here you will stay for the night, having the opportunity to enjoy nature. On the last day we get acquainted with Brest and the Brest Fortress - a symbol of the courage of the Soviet people.
  • Choosing such tour, you will spend two days in the city of Mogilev, where a special atmosphere is impregnated with streets. In a city where the only monument in the world is located - you should not forget to make a wish, because it will come true. Magnificent monuments of architecture are here at every step, and the Belarusian traditions and crafts are preserved by an ethnographic village. On the exploits of the war years will tell you Buinichskoe field - a place where the inhabitants of the city had an extremely unexpected resistance to the tank attack and significantly changed the course of the war. It was these events that formed the basis of Simonov's novel "The Living and the Dead" - take a look with your own eyes.
  • Mogilev, Vitebsk, Polotsk - cities with a special color that you will surely feel. Feel walking along the embankment of the Dnieper and making a wish on the square of Zvezdochet. Learn about the "father of Stalingrad", visiting Buinichskoe field, where fierce tank fights took place for Mogilev and the plot of the bestseller "Alive and the Dead" was born. Feel a special atmosphere from which inspired the inspiration of Marc Chagall and Ilya Repin, finding the plots of their paintings in Vitebsk. And finally, you will visit the "cradle" of the Belarusian statehood - this is the first city and principality in the territory of Belarus - it's an ancient Polotsk.
  • Spacious city, with wide avenues and cozy streets, with lots of greenery and cozy alleys of parks - it's about Minsk, it's from it that the tour will begin. And he will continue in one of the most beautiful castles in Europe - in Mirsky, in the soviet legendary city of the country - in Nesvizh and in the Nesvizh Palace. It will end with an acquaintance with old Belarusian handicrafts and technologies, tasting dishes of Belarusian cuisine and visiting craft workshops.
  • With the Belarusian capital, its history and modernity, will be acquainted with you on the first day of the trip - it's Minsk. Dudutki will discover the secrets of ancient Belarusian crafts and technologies in handicraft workshops, at a mill and at the tasting of old recipes. And Mir and Nesvizh will reveal the secrets of impregnable medieval castles and fortifications, intrigues and riddles. On the last day, we will touch on the topic of military history - in the memorial on the site of the burnt village of Khatyn and near the Mound of Glory, which preserves the memory of the liberation of the Earth under white wings.
  • Minsk draws comfort and cleanliness of the streets more spacious avenues, and the music on the street "in stone". Dudutki - open-air museum - the only one in Belarus, material culture museum with existing craft workshops. And Lida and Grodno - the city of the grand and royal. By the way, Grodno preserved for us as much as two locks, one you will see in Lida - note how they are all different. Touch the nature of Belarus in Korobchitsy you can, there will know what the Russian agro-tourism.
  • Choosing such a tour, you will get acquainted with the capital of Belarus - with the city of Minsk. And then you will travel along the beautiful Prinemanskiy edge - Grodno region is distinguished by a special color in architecture and delightful scenery of the river coasts, which is often called "Batka Neman". You will see 3 castles, a church of defensive type, exquisite baroque temples. You will stroll through the streets of one of the most beautiful cities of Europe and visit the nature reserve, where the agro-tourism complex "Korobchitsy" is located, with a unique historical heritage and wildlife.
  • On the first day of the tour, the Belarusian capital will tell the story of the past and the present. Nesvizh - the most legendary city in the country, will delight the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. And Brest will impress with the comfort of pedestrian streets. The largest memorial complex of the country and the place from which the Great Patriotic War began - the Brest Hero Fortress - will meet you with a special atmosphere - a memory of the tragedy and heroism of the soldiers, the joy of victory and the shrill voice of Levetan. The history of Belarus takes on a special kind against the background of its beautiful nature, touch it in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, where ancient trees grow and bisons live.
  • The capital of Belarus is Minsk and the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is Novogrudok. The medieval giant is the Mir Castle and its luxurious interiors. The place where folk masters cherish the ancient traditions of Belarus. In this round, the story will come to life day after day before your eyes.
  • An amazing journey. You will see 4 medieval castles, one of which became the World Heritage. You will walk along one of the most beautiful cities in Europe - this is Grodno. You will get acquainted with the Belarusian traditions and natural heritage in the agro-tourism complex "Korobchitsy".
  • What awaits you in this journey? The capital of Belarus - the city of Minsk, with greens spacious streets and monumental architecture. Dudutki museum complex - where the eyes of the master revive old Belarusian crafts and recipes. Polotsk - the cradle of the Belarusian statehood, the origins of our culture and tradition. Vitebsk - city on the picturesque coast of the Western Dvina and the birthplace of Marc Chagall, the capital of the Slavonic Bazaar. Finally, the estate of another prominent artist Ilya Repin. On the town, where were inspired great creators, it is definitely worth a look.
  • Minsk is a city where everyone will find something close to the soul: noisy avenues and squares or quiet cozy streets, shopping and entertainment centers or museum complexes, a rich history of the past or fascinating modernity. The second page of history will be Khatyn - a memorial dedicated to the villages that were destroyed in the war years and their inhabitants. The world and Nesvizh will tell you about the heritage of the Middle Ages - this is the story of the mighty Radziwill family, it is one of the most beautiful castles in Europe. And Dudutki are places where history will come to life in your eyes: in tastings and in handicraft workshops.
  • Excursion Minsk – Mir Castle – Slonim – Zhirovichi is an eventful two-day tour across Belarus. You will explore the capital, learn its history, see the main landmarks, visit the majestic Mir Castle, enjoy the atmosphere of the ancient town of Slonim, and touch the spiritual heritage of Zhirovichi. This route combines the culture, architecture, and sacred sites of Belarus, offering a deeper understanding of the country's historical past. The program of the two-day excursion Minsk – Mir Castle – Slonim – Zhirovichi includes a sightseeing tour of Minsk, an introduction to the history and architecture of Mir Castle, and a visit to the Zhirovichi Holy Assumption Monastery – one of the main Orthodox shrines in Belarus. Upon request, a private or corporate tour along the route Minsk – Mir Castle – Slonim – Zhirovichi can be arranged, tailored to your interests and preferences.
  • You will see the most picturesque corners of the Belarusian land, which for centuries inspire poets and artists. Vitebsk - easily and naturally swim over the river its temples and wind the ancient streets, directly from the paintings of Marc Chagall. Masterpieces by Ilya Repin are reminiscent of his estate in Zdravnevo. The lungs of Europe are the age-old swamps of the Berezinsky Reserve.
  • Welcome to Babruysk - unique color, fascinating history, uncommon architecture. At the beginning of the XXth century - the Belarusian Odessa. Walk on the well-known street of "the Babruysk Arbat" will lead you to the main symbol of the city - a sculpture of the Beaver - an ironic image of the resident of Babruysk the beginnings of the 20th century. Among locals there is a belief that the one who will rub a chain of hours of a beaver or will touch his nose will find good luck and wealth. The important place is taken here also by the embodiment of engineering advances - Babruysk fortress - the guard of borders of the Russian Empire and the keeper of a set of secrets and intrigues.
  • We will go straight in the XVth century on the wedding of 16-year-old Sofya Golshanskaya and the 73-year-old Polish king Yagaylo. When Yagaylo stayed with the Drutsky prince, he has noticed two of his nieces - Vasilisa and Sofya - Andrey Golshansky's daughters. After a lunch the king said: «I had three wives and they haven't given descendants to me. To continue a royal sort there is nobody. Marry off to me at the prince Golshansky Jr., Sofia. She sorts Lithuanian and, maybe, God will take pity». After short negotiations the king has got married to Sofya Golshanskaya in Novogrudok. Young guests spend several days at a table and, in transit from Novogrudk on Sofya's crowning to Krakow, have visited the Lidsky castle.
  • Stalin Line

    • Duration: 4 hours
    The Stalin Line Historical and Cultural Complex is one of the most ambitious fortification ensembles in Belarus. It is intended not only to perpetuate the grandiose system of defensive fortifications of the districts of Stalin’s Line, but also to become a symbol of the heroic struggle of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders.
  • The production tour will acquaint you with the secrets of the production of Belarusian cheeses. You will get acquainted with every stage of careful work with dairy products and, of course, taste delicious grades on tasting. Further you will get acquainted with the ancient city of Turov - the largest cultural and religious center of Eastern Slavs, the center of writing and chronicle.
  • You will visit one of the largest Belarusian art crafts enterprises, the history of which is several centuries: in the second half of the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries, the manufacture of belts was established at the manufactory owned by the Radzivils. Subsequently, these belts were called «Slutsk». Long, wide belts with a beautiful pattern and complex weaving of precious threads were a symbol of belonging to the elite. In 2012-2013, after studying the secrets of weavers, the artistic features of the belts and the materials from which they were made, in the ancient city of Slutsk recreated a unique technology. When making copies, weavers use natural silk, threads with gold and silver content. There are no analogues to these products in the world.
  • On the first day of the tour Minsk will welcome you. In the afternoon you will get acquainted with the legacy of the war years, with their sorrow and tragedy in the memorial complex "Khatyn" and with the joy of victory, which is represented by the "Hill of Glory". The second day of the tour will take you to the Minsk City Hall, where the history of self-government in Belarusian cities and the town of Mir are stored to one of the most beautiful castles in Europe - Mir Castle. And about the Old Belorussian culture and traditions you will be told by the masters in Dudutki.
  • This little trip will leave a lot of pleasant memories. You will be welcomed with a spacious and clean, ancient and modern Minsk. It harmoniously combines the noise of busy highways and the quiet comfort of the ancient streets of the Upper Town. An ancient history and powerful walls will be met by one of the most beautiful castles in Europe - Mir Castle. And the Dudutki museum complex will tell you about the ancient Belarusian technologies and crafts - here history comes to life in full view, and the hospitable mistresses treat them with products prepared according to old recipes.
  • Dukorа estate

    1 reviews
    • Duration: 5 hours
    200 years ago almost fifth part of the population of our country was made by people of shlyakhetsky estate. In one other country of Europe the aristocracy did not make such most part of the population. Original shlyakhetsky culture which is kept today by palaces and estates of her various representatives is of great interest. Dukorsky маёнтак – the place where the history will recover on your eyes: in music, in theater, in dances, in variety of craft workshops and in the return reality of the house double-dealing fellow.
  • Pansky maentak Sula - the elite center of a cultural and social life of the 18th century. The restored estate of a sort Lensk represents the place where it is possible not only to have a rest, but also in an interactive form to get acquainted with history of the Belarusian lands from times of pagan beliefs, eras of medieval knights, till times of balls and salons of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Here the past and the present, measured life of the ancient shlyakhetsky estate and convenience of the modern tourist center meet.. The excursion program includes: a solemn meeting at the gate with musicians; Drakkar ride on the Sula River (taking into account weather conditions: sleigh rides (or chaise); visiting animation areas; demonstrations of blacksmithing and working on a pottery wheel; visiting a brewery with a tasting of the elite drink “Starka Zapolsky”. After the excursion, you can visit the interactive sites of traditional culture on your own: bakery, pharmacy, weaving, Jewish shop, shapovalnya, beekeeping, post office.
  • You are waited by a fascinating travel to a farmstead complex of the 19th century where against the background of picturesque landscapes of the Narochansky region you will get acquainted with traditions and way of rural life, plunge into life of our ancestors in which there are no electric kettles and the microwave oven, but there are samovars and the furnace! And there are 5 unique collections: The museum of samovars and coins, the Museum of rural life with a water-mill, a viewing tower with a collection of moonshine stills, a windmill of the 19th century, the stable which you visit within the excursion.
  • An interesting and informative excursion with a visit to two operating mills, a bardic concert and a dinner in the Belarusian style at the farm. The Zaslavl steam mill attracts with its authenticity and unique atmosphere, and the water mill in Zhodishki is the only operating old water mill on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
  • Amber road

    • Duration: 16 hours
    Severe Viking ships with the heads of dragons on a rostrum transported infinite treasures from the Baltics to the solar Mediterranean, and their road has been covered with amber. Since then also call this way amber. During this excursion you fully enjoy a travel to the past. You learn about life, mythology, travel, opening of the Slavic and Scandinavian people; you will participate in craft and dancing master classes, you will try dishes of old Belarusian cuisine and you will become eyewitnesses of a performance of participants of military and historical club.
  • On the first day you will visit the first and ancient city of the Belarusian lands - the city-patriarch Polotsk. He preserved for us the ancient monasteries and the beautiful Sophia. It is also the capital of the Slavonic Bazaar, which is held here annually, is the city of Marc Chagall, an artist with a world-wide reputation. This is a special light atmosphere in the city and in the suburbs, where among the beautiful nature is hidden the homestead of another no less famous artist - Ilya Repin. You will see all this with your own eyes.
  • Novogrudok - the first capital of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The city with thousand-year history has kept surprising landscapes, the view of which opens from Zamkova Hora. And on her ruins of the castle where many centuries Mindovg has been crowned back tower. Such environment undoubtedly cultivates love for the country - the fate of the person who has played a big role in formation of the Belarusian literature, the romantic, publicist and political figure of the XIX century Adam Mickiewicz is inseparably linked with the city. And close the history is written by the small town of Ivye - the informal Tatar capital to Belarus. The city has kept for us temples of 3 faiths, reminding of toleration.
  • The program of a two-day tour to Belarus: acquaintance with the hero city of Minsk, the theme of the Great Patriotic War in the Great Patriotic War Museum and the Khatyn memorial, as well as the life and traditions of Belarusians in the “live” museum of Dudutki with tastings and animations.
  • A trip begin at Minsk, where the legacy of the past and the present are harmoniously combined. On the Stalin Line you will see the largest collection of military equipment in the CIS. The theme of the war years will expand more widely in the memorial on the site of the destroyed village of Khatyn. The memory of the tragedy and the first day of the war is also stored in the fortress-hero located in Brest. The history keeps a lot of amazing, and its beautiful background was the pristine Belarusian nature. You will feel it in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, where you will see its owners - powerful bisons.
  • With the face of the country - with the capital - you will get acquainted on the first day. Spacious avenues and cozy streets of the Upper City will be cordially welcomed by the city of Minsk. Secrets of ancient Belarusian crafts and traditions will be opened to you by folk masters and craftsmen in Dudutki, treated with branded products. The world and the World Castle will tell you about life in small towns and the fact that they keep the unassailable walls for centuries. One of the most ancient Belarusian cities is the chronicle Berestye, and now the border Brest is the only city where the tradition of lighting the lanterns by hand is living. This is the city that was bombed on June 22, exactly at 4 o'clock - then the war began, it began with the Brest Fortress, where you will visit.
  • Minsk - it is from this city that the journey will begin. Tour of the Belarusian capital will lead through quiet ancient streets and spacious avenues, the road of the past and the present of the whole country. And Stalin's line will tell about the defense of this country in times of bloody wars. By the way, the Great Patriotic War began from Brest and the Brest Fortress, which was bombed on June 22, exactly at 4 o'clock, and which you will visit. Often the symbols of Belarus are called bison, you will see them among the pristine nature of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  • What is the face of the Belarusian capital and the character you learn on an excursion to Minsk. In Dudutki folk craftsmen will tell you about the ancient technologies and crafts, hospitable housewives will treat them with products of old recipes. With the history of the war years will introduce the modern complex of the museum and the memorial on the site of the destroyed village Khatyn. A trip to the World is a meeting with the history and with the impregnable Mirsky Castle. And you will visit the only city where day by day the lamp-lighter lights the lights. Here, in Brest, you will visit the fortress-hero - it was with her in 1941 that the Great Patriotic War began.
  • "Gomel – Vetka" – a nonrandom combination, for fans of "special" travel. Why? After the excursion you with confidence will be able to answer this question. Gomel - the city with the person and character, with special taste and style, the Branch - one of the best museums of folk art with a unique collection.
  • It has been more than half a century since the victory over fascist Germany in the Great Patriotic War. Unrelenting time takes its toll, new generations enter into life. But still the memory of the tragedy and the feat of the people must remain, even when there is not a single witness of these terrible events. Time, historians, architects and sculptors created fascinating and exciting museums and memorial complexes - the most interesting you will visit..
  • The travel will begin with acquaintance to the Belarusian capital – the city of Minsk. Wonderfully this city combines noise of spacious avenues and a silent cosiness of small streets, modern skyscrapers and authentic historical building, bewitching landscapes of numerous squares and greatness of century temples – during the excursion you will see it. You will see and other party of a medal – Minsk and Belarus of times of military will open before you, at visit of the Belarusian state museum of history of the Great Patriotic War.
  • The two-day tour "Days Off in Belarus" - an excellent opportunity for so small term to get acquainted with the brightest features of the country. You will look at the person of the country – its capital. In Dudutki you learn about original culture and national crafts, you will get acquainted with traditions and life of the 19th century. And having visited the Mogilev Automobile Plant – you will see with own eyes as world-class giants – BELAZ rock trucks are born on light.
  • Discover all the most popular places in Belarus! Within 7 days you will be in the capital of Belarus - Minsk. You will appreciate the power of the record breakers at the BELAZ plant, you will go to the very south of Belarus in Brest, where you can visit one of the most iconic places - the Brest Fortress. You will see the monuments of UNESCO - Mirsky and Nesvizhsky castles. The memorial complex Khatyn, with its tragic history, will not stay aside.
  • During this tour you will visit the most interesting palaces and castles of Grodno region. In the days of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania the territory of Belarus called the «Сountry of castles». There were more than a hundred of palaces on a small area of the country. Two of them are most famous among the remained until today. Due to its uniqueness they are inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. Now "Lithuanian Palace" are restored in different parts of the country. You will visit a few of them.
  • You will get acquainted with Minsk, You will visit the Grodno region. You will visit the largest monastery friary, defensive type temples, amazing incarnation engineer's mind, exciting legends and discoveries.
  • You can get acquainted with the amazing facilities in the tour round «Memory places of Belarusian lands». They will open for you a new page of the tragedy of the war years. You will visit the «weeping ground» Belarusian hearts. «Dear people, You have to remember! We loved life, and our homeland, and You... We were burned alive in the fire. Our request to all: let grief and sorrow will turn in your courage and strength to you could ever adopt the peace and quiet in the land. For now, not ever in a whirlwind of fire life did not die!»
  • Step back in time and experience the charm of Belarusian village life at Dudutki! This open-air museum offers hands-on workshops in traditional crafts, visits to working windmills, and a taste of homemade cheese, bread, and moonshine. Discover the rich culture, try authentic dishes, and see artisans in action. A perfect day trip for anyone looking to explore Belarusian heritage!
  • You get acquainted with the country in five days and choose the brightest and most famous sights of Belarus: the capital city - Minsk, the castles Mir and Nesvizh, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the memorial complex Khatyn, the legendary Brest Fortress, Belovezhskaya Pushcha and one of the most popular and interesting museums in Belarus - Dudutki.
  • For 7 days you can visit the capital of Belarus - the hero-city Minsk, the Dudutki museum complex, the historical and tractor plant, Mir and Nesvizh castles, the memorial complex Brest Hero Fortress and Belovezhskaya puscha, memorial Khatyn and majestic Kurgan of Glory.
  • «They have risen from a mortal hole. In bronze their final journey has stiffened. To death going - near us. Silent shout: Don't forget!» The excursion will pass across the territory of the former Minsk ghetto where about 100 thousand people are destroyed. You learn history of resettlement and life of Jews in the territory of pre-war Minsk. And after – about the historical events which have become the tragedy of all Jewish people and a word which can be written from capital letter. About incalculable quantity of a ghetto and extermination camps, about horrors of the night riots and mass executions, about underground fight doomed to death.
  • Minsk theatrical

    • Duration: 3 hours 30 min.
    «The theater has a great future as at everything that had the great past» - Carel Capek has told once and was right. Both hundreds years ago, and today incalculable number of admirers of theater around the world. They continually hurry to majestic halls to enjoy art of transfer of emotions in dance and opera singing, in acting. Today the theater has stepped further away - we suggest to glance in a behind the scenes and to learn as each theatrical history is born, to get acquainted with actors and to learn about the great theatrical past about which the Czech writer, on the example of Belarus and Minsk spoke.
  • Military Minsk

    • Duration: 3 hours
    Minsk - the city the hero. The city where in war the largest city anti-fascist underground in Europe worked. In Minsk also the fourth has been created in size in Europe the extermination camp. It is the city which has fully felt all cruelty and lawlessness of fascism: Genocide, Holocaust, Occupation and horror... infinite horror of military years. But here, in ruins of Minsk, and the German army has learned about inaccessibility and courage of the Soviet people. - Belarus is independent, Minsk - his ancient and modern capital - is free and with pleasure welcomes guests. Memory of military years is kept by memorial complexes and the museums.
  • The tour starts with an acquaintance with ancient crafts and technologies, tasting dishes of Belarusian cuisine and visiting craft workshops in the Dudutka Museum, then you will be welcomed by the city of Minsk, shining with festive lights. You will spend the next 2 days in the south of the country in the hero-city of Brest and the oldest national park in Europe, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, and also receive gifts from a real Santa Claus!
  • The best and most interesting places and sights of Belarus are waiting for you on these 5 holidays: the legend of the Belarusian machine-building plant of dump trucks BELAZ, the New Year's capital, the reserved Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the real Santa Claus, the “live” museum" Dudutki with tastings and master classes, UNESCO monuments castles in Mir and Nesvizh
  • The tour program includes: acquaintance with the capital of Belarus - the hero city of Minsk, traditions and culture of the country in the museum of folk architecture and life "Strochitsy"; tragedy of the Belarusian people in the Khatyn memorial.
  • The tour program includes: acquaintance with the capital, the hero city of Minsk, a journey through the historical milestones of Belarus’s development in the Sula interactive history park, the country's most famous sights - the medieval giant Mir Castle and the Nesvizh Palace and Park Complex.
  • We invite you to spend a weekend in Minsk. In the tour program: on the first day - a sightseeing tour of Minsk, a visit to the memorial in Khatyn and the Mound of Glory. The second day - acquaintance with the UNESCO monument by the Nesvizh Palace and an animated tour in the Sula History Park. The third day - a production excursion to the BELAZ plant.
  • We invite you to spend 4 unforgettable days in Belarus. The tour program includes: acquaintance with the capital city of Minsk, a journey through the historical milestones of Belarus in the Sula interactive history park, the most famous sights of the country - the medieval giant Mir Castle and the Nesvizh Palace and Park Complex, a monument to the courage and tragedy of the Soviet people Brest Fortress -hero, virgin nature of the Bialowieza Forest and the hospitable estate of the Belarusian Grandfather Frost.
  • We invite you on a great trip to Belarus. The program includes Minsk, the most beautiful city in the country - royal Grodno, the oldest nature reserve in Europe - Belovezhskaya Pushcha and Father Frost's Estate, Brest Fortress-Hero.
  • We invite you to a six-day tour of the most interesting and iconic places in Belarus. On the first day - a city tour, the historical part of Minsk and new modern buildings, as well as a memorial to the victims of fascism in the village of Khatyn burnt with all residents. On the second day - Sula interactive history park with an animation program and tastings. The third day - UNESCO monuments the medieval Mir Castle and the palace in Nesvizh. On the fourth day, he goes southwest to the border with Poland to the city of Brest and visits the Brest Hero Fortress. Overnight in Brest. The fifth day - the oldest European reserve in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and acquaintance with the bison. Moving to the most beautiful city in Belarus - Royal Grodno. Overnight in Grodno. The sixth day of the program - we continue our acquaintance with Grodno, with the New Castle and the Farny Church and go back to Minsk, along the way - visit the Lida Castle.
  • The excursion «Safari in the Pripyat National Park» is a unique opportunity to see the wild animals of the national park in their natural habitat - without barriers and fences. Deer, fallow deer, roe deer, wild boars roam freely in a specially designated area of ​​the forest, while guests watch them from the window of a safari train.
  • We invite you to spend the New Year holidays in hospitable Belarus. On the first day, you will see the “living” museum of Dudutka with tastings and souvenirs from local craftsmen, a sightseeing tour of elegant Minsk. The second day is a time of rest and self-examination of the city and the surrounding area. On the third day - a meeting with a New Year fairy-tale at the Father Frost's estate in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. For lovers of history on the last day of the tour, we prepared a trip to the country's business card - the castles of Peace and Nesvizh.
  • We invite you to spend 4 busy days with us in Belarus, the most interesting and visited places. Arrivals - every Thursday. On the first day - early check-in at the hotel, rest from the road and evening walk in the capital. On the second day of the program - the memorial complex Khatyn and the Barrow of Glory. The third day - to choose from: free time in Minsk, the most visited excursion "Castles of the World and Nesvizh" or "Brest Fortress - Belovezhskaya Pushcha". On the last day - the ethnographic complex Dudutki with master classes, tastings and the largest selection of Belarusian souvenirs. Accommodation in the center of Minsk, departure for excursions from the hotel.
  • We invite you to know more about Belarus in 2 days. In the center of the country is a beautiful city, with wide avenues and old streets - the city of Minsk. And Dudutki impresses with ancient Belarusian crafts and technologies, a unique collection of cars and the embodiment of ancient recipes in food that you taste. The town of Mir and the medieval giant - Mir Castle will tell you what did local people do in the Belarusian small towns in the Middle Ages. So, you also will visit the most legendary town in Belarus - Nesvizh.
  • In addition to a tour of the city itself, you can visit the dungeons of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was the last tomb for the monks of the Carmelite Order. Next, you will have an exciting excursion with a tasting to the Art Khutor estate «Masterovye». The estate is engaged in the reconstruction of cheeses and highlights the history of their preparation in Belarus since the 16th century.