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Performance «Emigrants»

Performance «Emigrants»

Performance «Emigrants»

Minsk , Performance 19:00 - 23:00 02-April-2024

«Man lives absurdly», wrote the Polish playwright Slawomir Mrozhek. His book «Emigrants» in the mid-20th century became the personification of the times and turned out to be relevant at the beginning of the 21st.

In the perfomance «Emigrants» the characters of the play become participants in an action-packed theatrical television show. They are temperamental, irreconcilable and endlessly argue about who is right! Two heroes from different generations and different worlds, but there is something that unites them. They are emigrants.

Laughter and tears, camaraderie and betrayal, longing for the Motherland and dreams of a better life, irony and sincerity - everything in this dispute, the ending of which has no winner. The television show is a metaphor for man's eternal choice: to live simply or difficultly? However, there is no answer to this question.

Time: April 2, 2024 at 19:00
Place:g. Minsk, st. Oktyabrskaya, 5, Concert Hall «Minsk»

    Individual and corporate excursions - Minsk