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Multirace «Minsk City Race» 2013

Multirace «Minsk City Race» 2013

Multirace «Minsk City Race» 2013

Minsk , Sportive competition 28 April 2013
On April 28th 2013 one of the most unforgettable sport events for fans of outdoor activities the multirace «Minsk City Race» will take place in Minsk.
Multiraces have appeared in our country about five years ago and now continues to submit youth of Belarus, competing in this unusual sport. The essence of multirace consists in variety of orientation ways: run, by bicycle, rollers, kayak, even with elements of underground campaigns in combination with technical stages with rope routes.
This year in the program of competitions: travel around the city on foot, run, by bicycles and on rollers, and also the rock climbing wall, a labyrinth, photonavigation and search of interesting points, and also other interesting stages.
Race is created to open to its participants new places of our city, to present bright impressions and excellent mood. The distance is provided absolutely for everyone - both children, and sportsmen, and simply cheerful people!

    Individual and corporate excursions - Minsk