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Photo-exhibition «Paint of Venice»

Photo-exhibition «Paint of Venice»

Photo-exhibition «Paint of Venice»

Minsk , Fair 17 January 2012

From 17 of January to 4 of March 2012 in Minsk in gallery «Panorama» of National library of Belarus there an exhibition of Moscow pictorialist Gennady Podborodnikov «Paint of Venice» will pass. At an exhibition 42 works created by the author during the period with 2003 for 2011 will be presented.

Gennady Podborodnikov is the set dresser of manufacture of television programs in one of private Moscow broadcasting companies, however considerable, елси not the basic, the part of the life devotes to a photo and the informative literature. The last some years Gennady works over the illustrated book about Republic Venice Svetlejshuju.

«The photo-exhibition purpose «Paint of Venice» – not to show acquaintances to all since the childhood architectural masterpieces of a city on water, and to create at the visitor a special emotional spirit, to focus its attention on details which, merging together, create a complete image of this tremendous city, and allow each person to like truly mystical Venetian atmosphere …» (Gennady Podborodnikov)

In the exhibition opening day - an input free.

The address: Belarus, Minsk, National library of Republic Belarus

    Individual and corporate excursions - Minsk